Pion-LT analysis instructions/adjusting cuts
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Revision as of 19:01, 29 August 2021 by Junaid (talk | contribs) (→Adjusting Analysis Cuts in the PionLT Experiment)
Adjusting Analysis Cuts in the PionLT Experiment
- All cuts are applied using the "pion_prod_analysis_sw.py" script located at /home/cdaq/hallc-online/hallc_replay_lt/UTIL_PION//scripts/online_pion_physics/.
- The "pion_prod_analysis_sw.py" script is getting cuts parameters from /home/cdaq/hallc-online/hallc_replay_lt/UTIL_PION/DB/CUTS files.
- If someone want to change the values of cuts, he has to change cut values in "ALL_Kinematics_RFOffsetsTest.csv" file located at /home/cdaq/hallc-online/hallc_replay_lt/UTIL_PION/DB/PARAM/.
- Please don't change any cuts values if you don't know about it.
- The "ALL_Kinematics_RFOffsetsTest.csv" file looks like this;