March 5, 2023
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RC Meeting Information
Current RC: Iuliia Skorodumina.
No RC meeting today.
Saturday Day (03/04). The shift started with the Accelerator issues. 2L26-5 ioc went down ( At around 12:30 the issue was fixed, but in about two hours, the same ioc went down again ( No beam for the rest of the shift. Day Shift summary: .
Saturday Swing (03/04). The beam resumed about 7pm and since then was quite stable. We were taking production data at 60 uA. Swing Shift summary: .
Sunday Owl (03/05). We were taking data overnight at 60 uA. A quiet and productive shift with large ABU: .
For the current setting (Pm=800 MeV/c), we have collected a total of 9655 mC integrated charge out of the planned 15696 mC, which corresponds to 62%.
The plan is to continue taking production data for the Pm=800 MeV/c at the highest possible current.
Accelerator Status
The issue with Hall A BLM trips still persists. From Friday's studies, the conclusion was made that the 4th pass separator is likely responsible for that ( Unfortunately, this is not an easy fix and the repair work will realistically take a day and a half. The repair is scheduled for next Tuesday (March 7). For the weekend, it was decided that Halls B, C, and D will be getting beam, while Hall A will wait until Tuesday's repair.
Current Run Plan
The plan is to continue taking production data for the Pm=800 MeV/c at the highest possible current.