December 6, 2023

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Revision as of 11:28, 6 December 2023 by Hszumila (talk | contribs) (→‎Current Issues)
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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

Useful Links

Current Status

  • Re-establishing beam last night was fairly straightforward.
  • Target was ready so we proceeded with run plan
    • Injector expert called back in because MCC for some reason thought we didn't need high current (>5-10uA)
    • Discovered that the HMS DC had no gas due to having been tripped by someone shutting off the fan in the HMS hut. This likely happened this morning when we think facilities was investigating the AC issue here: This interlock is a bit scary because we didn't have a lot of other strong indications, and we had no problem running the HV. Unfortunately, we had to spend a couple hours recovering the chambers.

Current Run Plan

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

  • All shifts should come in as planned.
  • Heidi on vacation 7-13 Dec. Contact Steve L for cryo during that time.
  • cc Heidi on any cryo logbook entry (

Current Issues

  • On call list seems incomplete and should be addressed by the Hall:
  • We need other indications of this interlock. In Hall A, we have it shut off detector HV via the alarm handler, and we have a flow rate alarm. Seems the useful PV values have not been working since 1-Sept.

Planned Accesses to the Hall

Planned Accelerator Configuration Changes

Special Requests