March 20, 2024
From HallCWiki
RC Meeting Information
Current RC: Rachel Montgomery (
RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)
- Zoom connection link:
- Meeting ID: 161 701 5555
- Passcode: 288953
Useful Links
- Short term run plan [1]
- Shift Signup (Read only)
- Hall-C Controls
- Hall-C Logbook
- MCC White Board
- Daily RC Reports
RC update 20th March:
Planned Access to the Hall
MOmod tests were cancelled this morning due to a hardware issue. They won't plan to try it again any time soon (maybe in something like a couple of weeks).
Run Plan
- By beam off for Hall C laser issue, we had almost cycled through both b and a settings for KinC_x50_0. We are just missing the last coin run on LD2 for a.
- Charles then updated the run plan for the plan after beam return. See new short term run plan (it is updated online)
- Continue with at 3m and 14.4deg until change to new x60_1 setting.
- x50_0 ends Saturday morning.
- Discussion took place about whether to put NPS at 3m, 3.5m or 4m on Sat.
- Have option of taking 4m data at one angle of a and b to give reference to what is happening to crystals.
Requests for shift crew
- Please post screen shots to HCLOG as prompted in the run plan and of anything else appropriate that happens on shift.
Shift schedule
Looks good until Monday 25th March.