PionLT 2021 Physics Status

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Update the current values with the ones actually used, for summary points and commissioning entries, enter a Logbook entry as a comment where appropriate.

Misc Issues for Offline Analysis

Ebeam Issue Implication
9.177 GeV BCM: Cavity "Tweaked" Need new BCM calibration for Run > 12015
9.177 GeV HGC: Gas Changed Log #1 Log #2 HGC likely not useful Run < 12035
9.177 GeV NGC: Amplifiers added HV tweaked NGC not useful Run < 12066
9.177 GeV Beam Raster: Two Magnets off Log #1 Log #2 Log #3 special BCM gain params needed for Runs 12270 - 12359
9.177 GeV Cryotarget: Swapped fan controllers Reversed fan flow Is a special LH2 boiling corr needed for Runs 12288 - 12359??
9.177 GeV BCM: offset drift Log #1 Log #2
5.986 GeV Dummy Target: MCC put 70uA on Dummy Has potential to affect dummy target, run 13074 onwards Check w/run 13128
9.876 GeV Beam Energy Drift Small drift down in energy Entry #2 Larger (5 MeV) fluctuations Need to account for this in runs 13159 on, seemed to "stabilise" on 2021/11/12 ~run 13200. Much worse again around run 13240. Mark Jones says to always use rescaled E_true=E_arc*(HALLC:p/HALLC:p_arc) where HALLC:p_arc was the value at the time the arc energy measurement was done.
9.876 GeV HMS Dipole NMR not locking NMR probe calibration mismatch Check ecDI_I_true for drifts after run 13285
7.937 GeV Beam Raster: Two magnets off weird pattern fixed mistake with set up One of the raster magnets had failed, it was decided to use just one pair. There was an error in the coil phasing that was latter fixed. May affect LD2 boiling, Runs 13631 - 13861. We ran 13920 in the same configuration as run 13854 to check effect on LH2 boiling (both HeeP single Setting #1).
7.937 GeV Target Pressure fix Issue with Loop 2 (LH2) target pressure. Started run 12703 - 13857. Effect is fortunately small.
Arc Energy Measurements Mark's calculation page Arc Energy Measurements Wiki Page
xxx xxx

Pion-LT Physics Status at Ebeam = 9.2 GeV

Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Production Status Comment
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=6.26 (Right) 15 μA Run 11979 Run 11991 Runs 11978 - 11990 π+ 99735/100000 (105%), Q(mC) 290.21/1075.2 (27%) (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry ,PID Studies
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=8.26 (Center) 32 μA Run 11973 Runs 11969-11970 Runs 11971 - 11977 π+ 147190/100000 (146%), Q(mC) 386.296/1075.2 (36%) (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry ,PID Studies
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=10.26 (Left) 70 μA Run 11888 Runs 11902, 11904 Runs 11883 - 11901 π+ 174681/150000 (115%), Q(mC) 786.763/1075.2 (73%) (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 TOTAL
9.177 GeV LD+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=6.26 (Right) 15 μA Run 11994 See LH+ Runs 11992 - 12021 π+ 101080/100000 (107%), Q(mC) 311.273/1075.2 (29%) (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=8.26 (Center) 23 μA Runs 11948 & 11958 See LH+ Runs 11947 - 11968 π+ 181839/100000 (180%), Q(mC) 447.168/1075.2 (42%) (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=10.26 (Left) 30 μA Run 11938 See LH+ Runs 11928 - 11944 π+ 96845/100000 (96.6%), Q(mC) 382.456/1075.2 (36%) (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=10.26 (Left) 45-65 μA Run 11914 See LH+ Runs 11910-11922 π+ 16557, PS5 > 0 High Rates, Q(mC) 265.512 (*HGC cut='0') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 TOTAL
9.177 GeV LD- Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=6.26 (Right) 10 μA Run 12031 See 8 uA Runs 12022 - 12037 π- 27455, Q(mC) 136.396 (*runs 12022-34; HGC cut='0', runs 12035-37; HGC cut='1.5') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD- Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=6.26 (Right) 8 μA NOT DONE Runs 12048-12049 Runs 12038 - 12046 π- 24775, total=24775/70000 (95%), Q(mC) 224.578/1075.2 (21%) (*HGC cut='1.5') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD- Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=8.26 (Center) 15 μA Run 12053 Run 12067 Runs 12052 - 12066 π- 72913/70000 (104%), Q(mC) 225.98/1075.2 (21%) (*HGC cut='1.5') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD- Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=10.26 (Left) 30 μA Run 12070 Run 12078 Runs 12068 - 12077 π- 52278/70000 (75%), Q(mC) xxx/1075.2 (xx%) (*HGC cut='1.5') Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD- Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 TOTAL

Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Production Status Comment
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=7.06 (Left) 60-70 μA Run 12307 Runs 12291, 12304,12325,12346 Runs 12262-5, 12273-12370, 12374-12409 [HMS-3/4: 12305,30,48,50,62-3,74-5] π+ 8355, Q(mC) 20192.9 Log Entry
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=7.06 (Left) 30-50 μA Run 12268, 12307 Runs 12418-12424 Runs 12266-7, 12372, 12411-12443 [HMS-3/4: 12430] π+ 1259, Q(mC) 3129.6 Log Entry
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=7.06 (Left) SUB-TOTAL Runs 12262 - 12443 π+ 9614/10000 (96.0%), Q(mC) 23322.5/22957.2 (101.6%) Log entry #1 - Prelim Log entry #2
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) 40 μA Run 12446 Run 12455 Runs 12446 - 12462 π+ 1318, Q(mC) 2145.537 Log Entry
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) 45 μA Run 12515, 12583 Runs 12474,12490,12520,12521,12540,12557 Runs 12463 - 12590 π+ 8516, Q(mC) 14278.458 Log Entry - Analysis to 12489 Log Entry - All 45uA runs
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) SUB-TOTAL Runs 12445- 12590 π+ 9755/10000 (95.05%), Q(mC) 16423.995/22957.2 (71.54%) Log Entry #1 - Runs to 12513 Log Entry #2 - Runs to 12554 Loge Entry #3 - All runs Log Entry #4 - HMS Cherenkov cut added
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 TOTAL

Q2=8.50 W=2.79 x=0.55

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Production Status Comment
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=8.50 W=2.79 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) 42 μA Run 12598 Run 12606-12608,12630,12632,12656,12657,12679,12721 Runs 12591 - 12739 π+ 3402, Q(mC) 14347.63 Log Entry - Log Entry #2 Full Week
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=8.50 W=2.79 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) 42 μA Run 12759 Runs 12782,12783,12815,12816 Runs 12740 - 12835 π+ 1770, Q(mC) 7382.826 Log Entry
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=8.50 W=2.79 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) 42 μA Run 12843 Runs 12840,12863,12895,12928,12930,12952,12953 Runs 12836 - 12966 π+ 3342, Q(mC) 14407.007 Log Entry to 12905 Full week
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=8.50 W=2.79 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Center) 42 μA Run 12987 Runs 12974,12975,12995 Runs 12967 - 13037 π+ 1799, Q(mC) 7524.236 All runs to 13011 Full Week
9.177 GeV LH+ Q2=8.50 W=2.79 x=0.55 TOTAL Runs 12591 - 13037 π+ 10478/13000 (80.60%), Q(mC) 43661.17/97776 (44.65%) Up to 12654 Up to 12739 Up to 12835 Up to 12972 Full Setting

Pion-LT Calibrations Status at Ebeam = 9.2 GeV


Ebeam Item Status Comment
9.177 GeV HMS sieve runs Runs 11845, 12224-30 Log Entry #1 Log Entry #2
9.177 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement 9172.705 +/- 3.748 MeV Log Entry
9.177 GeV BCM Calibration #1 (up to Sept 13 morning) DONE - 11988 Log #1 Log #2 Log #3 Log #4 DocDB
9.177 GeV BCM Calibration #2 (after Sept 13 retune to Oct 28) DONE - 12496 Log #1 Log #2 DocDB
9.177 GeV BCM Calibration #3 DONE - 12880 Log #1
9.177 GeV fADC Deadtime SIDIS #1 Runs 12200 - 12217 Preliminary Analysis
9.177 GeV fADC Deadtime SIDIS #2 Runs 12218-23, 12233-59 Preliminary Analysis


Ebeam Item 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.177 GeV Carbon LumiScan #1 See LH2 Runs 12143 - 12154 Preliminary Analysis LiveTime Improvement PID Cuts (Multiple Passes)
9.177 GeV LH2 LumiScan #1 Run 12156 Runs 12126 - 12142 EDTM Rate Study EDTM Rate Wrong PS EDTM, TLT, and Lumi Update
9.177 GeV LD2 LumiScan #1 See LH2 Runs 12156 - 12166 Log Entry
9.177 GeV Carbon LumiScan #2 See LH2 Runs 12180 - 12191 Log Entry
9.177 GeV LH2 LumiScan #2 Run 12178,12179 Runs 12192 - 12199 Log Entry
9.177 GeV LD2 LumiScan #2 See LH2 Runs 12167 - 12176 Log Entry


Ebeam Item 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.177 GeV Heep Coin #1 Run 11882 Runs 11880-11881 9415 (10510 SIMC) elastics Data (red)/SIMC(blue)
9.177 GeV Heep Coin #2 Run 11879 Runs 11846-11878 8224 (8796 SIMC) elastics Data (red)/SIMC(blue)
9.177 GeV Heep Singles - Summary Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #1 Run 12081 Runs 12080 HMS 66k, SHMS 72k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #2 Run 12085 Runs 12083-4 HMS 17k, SHMS 228k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #3 Run 12088 Runs 12086-7 HMS 88k, SHMS 107k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #4 Run 12091 Runs 12089-90 HMS 21k, SHMS 512k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #5 Run 12093 Runs 12092 HMS 45k, SHMS 773k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #6 Run 12095,12097, 12101 Runs 12094-6 HMS 25k, SHMS 571k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #7 Run 12100 Runs 12098-99 HMS 18k, SHMS 285k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #8 Run 12103 Runs 120102 HMS 25k, SHMS 141k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #9 Run 12108 Runs 12106-7 HMS 20k, SHMS 81k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #10 Run 12109,12110 Runs 12111 HMS 20k, SHMS 19k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #11 Run 12116 Runs 12115 HMS 79k, SHMS 778k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #12 Run 12117 Runs 12118-9 HMS 33k, SHMS 214k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #13 See # 10 Runs 12120-1 HMS 31k, SHMS 71k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #14 Run 12122 Runs 12123 HMS 29k, SHMS 42k Log Entry
9.177 GeV Heep Singles #15 Run 12125 Runs 12124 HMS 51k, SHMS 26k Log Entry

Pion-LT Physics Status at Ebeam = 6.0 GeV

Q2=3.85 W=2.02 x=0.55

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
5.986 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=2.02 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=13.79 (Right) 70 μA 13069 Run 13075 13063-13073 π+ 12253/11700 (104.7%), Q(mC) 910/605 (150%) Full Setting
5.986 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=2.02 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=15.79 (Center) 70 μA 13076 & 13077 Run 13084 13078-13082 π+ 12039/11700 (102.9%), Q(mC) 830.175/605 (137.2%) Full Setting
5.986 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=2.02 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=17.79 (Left) 70 μA 13085 Run 13091 13086-13090 π+ 11123/11700 (95.07%), Q(mC) 839.789/605 (138.8%) Full Setting
5.986 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=2.02 x=0.55 TOTAL

Pion-LT Calibrations Status at Ebeam = 6.0 GeV


Ebeam Item Status Comment
5.986 GeV HMS/SHMS sieve run Runs 13044-50 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement 5984.804 +/- 2.993 MeV/c Log Entry


Ebeam Item 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #1 Run 13093 13092 Log Entry Run 13092 Missing from Run List
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #2 Run 13094 13095 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #3 Run 13098 13096 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #4 Run 13099 13100 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #5 Run 13103 13102 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #6 Run 13105 13107 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #7 Run 13109 13108 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #8 Run 13110,13111 13113 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #9 Run 13120 13119 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #10 Run 13121 13122 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #11 Run 13124 13123 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Singles #12 Run 13127 13126 Log Entry
5.986 GeV Heep Coin #1 Run 13057 13051-56 Data/SIMC
5.986 GeV Heep Coin #2 Run 13062,13128 13058-61 Data/SIMC
5.986 GeV δ scan w/ Heep Coin SKIPPED No time for this at the end of this beam energy, skipped

Pion-LT Physics Status at Ebeam = 9.9 GeV

Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=6.97 (Right) 20, 30 μA 13170 Run 13180 13171 - 13179 π+ 142145/140000 (102%), Q(mC) 203.46/108 (188%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=8.69 (Center) 40 μA 13184 Run 13190 13185 - 13189 π+ 139571/190000 (73.5%), Q(mC) 182.45/144 (127%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 θ_SHMS=10.69 (Left) 70 μA 13191 Run 13200 13192 - 13199 π+ 158971/330000 (48.2%), Q(mC) 347.52/252 (138%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=1.60 W=3.08 x=0.16 TOTAL

Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=7.29 (Right) 65 μA 13203 Run 13210 13202 - 13209 π+ 29161/28500 (102%), Q(mC) 855.14/731 (117%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=9.29 (Center) 70 μA 13211 Run 13218,13219 13212 - 13217 π+ 31416/28500 (110%), Q(mC) 745.57/731 (102%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=11.29 (Left) 70 μA 13220 Run 13227 13221 - 13229 π+ 28314/28500 (99.3%), Q(mC) 1013.67/731 (139%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 TOTAL

Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=7.73 (Right) 70, 60, 65 μA 13230 Run 13243,13244 13231 - 13253 π+ 41590/50000 (83.2%), Q(mC) 2746.42/2900 (94.7%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=9.73 (Center) 65 μA 13254 Run 13266,13267 13255 - 13270, 13272, 13273 π+ 46039/50000 (92.078%), Q(mC) 2745.15/2900 (95%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=11.73 (Left) 60, 70, 65 μA 13274, 13275 Run 13307,13308 13276 - 13281, 13283 - 13301, 13303 - 13306 π+ 49538/50000 (99.1%), Q(mC) 3853.68/2900 (133%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 TOTAL

Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=8.60 (Left) 70 μA 13311 Run 13315,13342 13309-10, 13312-17, 13319-35, 13337-40, 13343-50, 13352-57 π+ 12337, Q(mC) 6697.6 Log Entry Part1
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=8.60 (Left) 70 μA 13428 See Part 1 13414-22, 13424-27, 13429-44 π+ 8997, Q(mC) 5286.1 Log Entry Part2
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=8.60 (Left) SUB-TOTAL 13309-10, 13312-17, 13319-35, 13337-40, 13342-50, 13352-57, 13414-22, 13424-27, 13429-44 π+ 21335/20000 (106.6%), Q(mC) 11983.7/8820 (135.8%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=6.60 (Center) 70 μA 13359 Run 13374,13375,13403 13360 - 13412 π+ 20059/20000 (100%), Q(mC) 9125.34/8820 (103%) Log Entry
9.876 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=3.19 x=0.39 TOTAL

Pion-LT Calibrations Status at Ebeam = 9.9 GeV


Ebeam Item Status Comment
9.876 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement 9878.908 +/- 3.9499 MeV/c Log Entry Log #2HALLC:p for drift correction
9.876 GeV BCM Calibration DONE - 13282 Log Entry
9.876 GeV fADC Deadtime Exclusive SKIPPED Due to time constraints


Ebeam Item 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #1 Run 13135 13133, 13134 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #2 Run 13136 13137 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #3 Run 13139 13138 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #4 Run 13140 13141 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #5 Run 13143 13142 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #6 Run 13144 13145 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #7 Run 13147 13146 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #8 Run 13148 13149, 13150 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #9 Run 13152 13151 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #10 Run 13154 13155, 13156 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #11 Run 13158 13157 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Singles #12 Run 13160 13161, 13162 Log Entry
9.876 GeV Heep Coin Run 13169 13164-13167 Log Entry DATA/SIMC

Pion-LT Physics Status at Ebeam = 8.0 GeV

Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=9.12 (Right) 25 μA and 26 μA 13447, 13450 Run 13468 13448-13467 π- 1669/17000 (9.82%), Q(mC) 1228.698/2700 (45%) to run 13467 (wide MM cut) to run 13459 (narrow MM cut and ELREAL/HMS-3/4 comparison)
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=11.12 (Center) 70 μA 13477 Runs 13499-13501 13472-13529 π- 12932/17000 (76.07%), Q(mC) 9188.801/2770 (331.73%)runs to 13483 Log Entry Full Analysis Log Entry
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=11.12 (Center) 70 μA ---- Run 14743 14736-53 Extra Physics π- 4538/4068, Q(mC) xxx/2300 Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=11.12 (Center) SUBTOTAL 13472-13529,14736-53 π- 17471/17000 (102.77%), Q(mC) 9188.801/2770 (331.73%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=13.12 (Left) 70 μA 13530 Runs 13555-13557 13531-13586 π- 11154/17000 (65.61%), Q(mC) 10053.718/2770 (362.95%) Day 1 Log Entry Day 2 Log Entry Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=13.12 (Left) 70 μA 14761 Run 14765 14754-77 Extra Physics π- 4840/5846, Q(mC) xxx/4000 Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=13.12 (Left) SUBTOTAL 13531-13586,14754-77 π- 15995/17000 (94.08%), Q(mC) 10053.718/2770 (362.95%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 TOTAL

Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=8.39 (Left) 18 μA 13588 Run 13670,13671 13588-13693 π- 3044/8300 (36.67%), Q(mC) 2439.647/1800 (135.54%)Day 1 Log Entry Day 2 Log Entry Full Setting Log Entry
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=8.39 (Left) 21 μA 14670 Runs 14667,14669 14628-14683 Extra Physics π- 3754/5256, Q(mC) 2820.853/2550 Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=8.39 (Left) SUBTOTAL 13588-13693, 14628-14683 π- 6799/8300 (81.92%), Q(mC) 5260.5/1800 (292.25%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=6.39 (Center) 6 μA 13695, 13839 Runs 13788-13790 13694-13850 π- 5168/8300 (62.27%), Q(mC) 2426.304/1790 (135.55%) Runs to 13773 Runs to 13847 Full Setting
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=6.39 (Center) 6 μA 14685 Runs 14717,14719 14684,14686-717,14719-735 Extra Physics π- 1713/3132, Q(mC) 416.307/1080 Analysis Update Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=6.39 (Center) SUBTOTAL 13694-13850,14684,14686-717,14719-735, π- 6882/8300 (82.91%), Q(mC) 2426.304/1790 (135.55%) Full_Analysis
7.937 GeV LD- Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 TOTAL

Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=9.12 (Right) 70 μA 13951 See LD+ 13950-13982 π+ 16707/21500 (77.7%), Q(mC) 4950.67/3400 (146%) Log Entry
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=11.12 (Center) 70 μA 13999 See LD+ 14000-14015 π+ 20086/21500 (93.42%), Q(mC) 5183.082/3400 (152.44%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=13.12 (Left) 70 μA 14088 See LD+ 14078-14109 π+ 19873/21500 (92.43%), Q(mC) 5677.261/3400 (166.98%) Analysis to 14086 Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 TOTAL
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=9.12 (Right) 70 μA 13922 Runs 13933-13935 13921-13949 π+ 17797/21500 (82.78%), Q(mC) 5114.167/3400 (150.42%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=11.12 (Center) 70 μA 14024 Runs 14016,14017 14018-14044 π+ 19277/21500 (89.66%), Q(mC) 4588.933/3400 (134.97%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 θ_SHMS=13.12 (Left) 70 μA 14046 Runs 14075-14077 14045-14073 π+ 15828/21500 (73%), Q(mC) 4383/3400 (129%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=6.00 W=2.40 x=0.55 TOTAL

Q2=2.45 W=3.20 x=0.21

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=2.45 W=3.20 x=0.21 θ_SHMS=8.16 (Left) 70 μA 14547 Run 14554 14545 - 14556 π+ 13885/11600 (119.7%), Q(mC) 1436.664/450 (319.26%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=2.45 W=3.20 x=0.21 θ_SHMS=6.16 (Center) 70 μA 14557 Runs 14559,14565,14566 14560 - 14564 π+ 12118/11600 (104.47%), Q(mC) 829.817/450 (184.40%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=2.45 W=3.20 x=0.21 TOTAL

Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Right) 42 μA 14207 Runs 14248,14249 14208-14246 π+ 12392/10000 (124%), Q(mC) 3150.6/2290 (138%) Log Entry to 14218 Log Entry for Entire Setting
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=6.39 (Center) 65 μA 14317 Run 14314-14316 14318-28, 14330, 14334-42 π+ 10213/10000 (102%), Q(mC) 3349.3/2290 (146%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=8.39 (Left) 70 μA 14343 Run 14366,14367 14344-14365 π+ 9993/10000 (99.93%), Q(mC) xxx/2290 (xx%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 TOTAL
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=5.50 (Right) 28 μA 14250 See LH+ 14251-14284 π+ 10489/10000 (104.89%), Q(mC) xxx/2190 (xx%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=6.39 (Center) 45 μA 14285 See LH+ 14286-301, 14303-14310, 14312 π+ 10108/10000 (101%), Q(mC) 2421.3/2290 (106%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 θ_SHMS=8.39 (Left) 70 μA 14368 See LH+ 14369-14386 π+ 10220/10000 (102.2%), Q(mC) xxx/2290 (xx%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LD+ Q2=3.85 W=3.07 x=0.31 TOTAL

Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39

Ebeam Type Setting Current fadcmode10 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=6.17 (Center) 64 μA 14387 Runs 14459-14462 14388-14458 π+ 10094/10000 (101%), Q(mC) 9585.45/8060 (119%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 θ_SHMS=8.17 (Left) 70 μA 14464 Run 14541-14544 14463, 14465-84, 14488-501, 14513, 14515-39 π+ 10188/10000 (101.8%), Q(mC) xxx/8060 (xx%) Full Analysis
7.937 GeV LH+ Q2=5.00 W=2.95 x=0.39 TOTAL

Pion-LT Calibrations Status at Ebeam = 8.0 GeV


Ebeam Item Status Comment
7.937 GeV EDTM Study w/ Cosmics 13590 - 13630 Run Sheets on Redmine Initial Analysis
7.937 GeV EDTM Trigger study 13899-903,5,11-19 Log Entry
7.937 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement (Dec) 7937.662 +/- 3.4219 Log #1 Log #2
7.937 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement (Jan/Feb) 7937.477 +/- 3.4218 Log #1 Log #2
7.937 GeV BCM Calibration (Dec #1) DONE - 13766 Log Entry - Only up to 40 μA
7.937 GeV BCM Calibration (Dec #2) DONE - 14094 Log Entry - Up to 70 μA, some RF issues mid run
7.937 GeV BCM Calibration (Jan/Feb) DONE - 14178 Log Entry - Up to 50uA
7.937 GeV fADC Deadtime Exclusive #1 14601-14611 Log Entry
7.937 GeV fADC Deadtime Exclusive #2 14612-14627 Log Entry


Ebeam Item 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV LH2 LumiScan Run 13882 13874-13881 Log Entry
7.937 GeV LD2 LumiScan See LH2 13883-7,91-2,94 Log Entry
7.937 GeV Carbon LumiScan See LH2 13897-8, 13904,6-10 Log Entry


Ebeam Item 10 cm Dummy Status Comment
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #1 Run 13855 13854 12838 HMS, and 29583 SHMS elastics Wide W Cut Note 13854 is NOT JUNK
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #2 Run 13857 13858 4303 HMS, and 12088 SHMS elastics Log Entry HMS Setting #4
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #3 Run 13863,13865 13859, 13860 6962 HMS, and 13282 SHMS elastics Log Entry HMS Setting #5
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #4 Run 13866 13867, 13838 854 HMS, and 16650 SHMS elastics Log Entry HMS Setting #6
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #5 Run 13873 13869-13872 8553 HMS, and 4740 SHMS elastics Log Entry
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #6 SKIPPED Log Entry
7.937 GeV Heep Singles #7 SKIPPED Log Entry
7.937 GeV Heep Coin #1 Run 14574 14570-14574 Log Entry
7.937 GeV Heep Coin #2 Run 14580 14576-14580 Log Entry
7.937 GeV Heep Coin #3 Run 14582 14582-14587 Log Entry
7.937 GeV Heep Coin #4 Run 14600 14589-14599 Log Entry