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Azz with Color-Coded Plots

I took the edited the output of Azz plots so that they have their own, dedicated grace files. I then replaced the b1 plot with the dilution factor and shaded the kinematics plots by the total cross-section (N+He+2H), where darker = larger cross-section and lighter = smaller cross-section. The cross-sections each have 20 shading bins, with the cross section in that section being linearly scaled to fit from 1-20. This means that it's not the same scale across spectrometers, or from cuts to background, just to keep in mind.

If we don't make any cuts on the kinematics, we can get a sense for the cross-section everywhere:


If we they add the x cut, the thrown-out events, still in grey, are now also shaded:


And adding a Q2>1 cut:


--E. Long 18:44, 10 October 2013 (UTC)