SIMC Monte Carlo

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Revision as of 10:44, 2 December 2009 by Jones (talk | contribs)
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  • The latest version of the code has been modified to compile using gfortran instead of the Absoft compiler.
    • To checkout from CVS:
      • setenv CVSROOT /group/hallc/cvsroot
      • cvs co simc_gfortran
    • The CTP library is now included as a SIMC subdirectory
    • The input files included with simc_gfortran have NOT been updated to work with the new code. Basically in the name of a variable the "." needs to be replaced by a "%" for gfortran. To convert your input files use the script ( in the infiles subdirectory) : oldfile
  • Details on the SHMS in SIMC.
  • Documentation
    • Primer on SIMC. Section 2 on "Getting SIMC" is not valid any longer.
    • Directory with SIMC documentation.
    • Talk given by John Arrington at a 2001 Hall A meeting.
  • Directory that archives previous versions of SIMC.