SHMS MC Working Group

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SHMS Characteristics


  • Studies of changing the vertical offset of dipole
    • Ran SNAKE with set of random trajectories with -0.055 < xptar < 0.055, -0.030 < yptar < 0.040 and 8.8 < momentum < 13.2 GeV/c.
    • Input deck to SNAKE has 26 endplanes. An endplane is a position within SHMS where the the positions and angles are recorded. If the track goes outside the SHMS good volume then a flag is set to indicate a failed track and the positions and angles at the location between the endplanes is recorded.
    • Compared an vertical offset of 20cm and 26cm. For each offset the distance between the centerof the dipole and the focal plane center is recalculated.
      • Plot of number of tracks which failed for each endplane number for offset of [20cm] and [26cm]


[Dave G. notes on 2009 shms studies]

[Comparison of 1st order matrix elements from Dave G. COSY fits and John LeRose tech note]


Detector Positions