SHMS MC Working Group

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SHMS Characteristics


Field maps of magnets

  • The Horizontal Bender
    • The integral field needed for 3 deg bend is 1.9211 Tm.
    • From map file,, the maximum integral field along a straight path is 1.92929 Tm with B_max=2.4768 T giving L_eff= 0.7789m. So need a factor of 0.996 to scale map toget field for 3deg bend.
  • Dipole
    • The integral field needed for 18.4 deg bend is 11.783 Tm for integration along the path of the particle, L_arc, which is incident perpendicular to the field. The difference between the L_arc and the straight line L_eff is L_arc/L_eff = theta/sin(theta)=1.017 for theta=18.4 deg. So need integral field along a straight path of 11.586 Tm.
    • From map file,, B_max=4.7907 and Int(Bdl) = -13.67883 so L_eff=2.855. So need a factor of 0.8478 to scale map to get field for 18.4 deg bend.

Studies of changing the vertical offset of dipole

  • Ran SNAKE with set of random trajectories for point target with -0.055 < xptar < 0.055, -0.030 < yptar < 0.040 and 8.8 < momentum < 13.2 GeV/c.
  • Input deck to SNAKE has 26 endplanes. An endplane is a position within SHMS where the the positions and angles are recorded. If the track goes outside the SHMS good volume then a flag is set to indicate a failed track and the positions and angles at the location between the endplanes is recorded.
  • Compared an vertical offset of 20cm and 26cm. For each offset the distance between the centerof the dipole and the focal plane center is recalculated.
    • 1D Plot of number of tracks which failed for each endplane number for offset of [20cm] and [26cm] . Endplane 6 is HB physical exit. Endplane 10 is Q1 physical exit. Endplane 19 is Dipole physical entrance. Endplane 23 is Dipole physical exit.
    • 1D Plots of target xp,yp, delta and solid angle vs delta with for offset of [20cm] and [26cm] . The black line is all tracks. The blue line is failed tracks. The red line is passed tracks. The solid angle is calcualted by the ratio of passed tracks to total tracks mutliplied by 0.11*0.07*1000 (the thrown solid angle in msr at each delta).
    • 2D Plots of target xp/delta, yp/delta and xp/yp for offset of [20cm] and [26cm] .
    • 2D Plots of focal plane x/y, xp/yp, yp/y and xp/x for offset of [20cm] and [26cm] .


[Dave G. notes on 2009 shms studies]

[Comparison of 1st order matrix elements from Dave G. COSY fits and John LeRose tech note]


Detector Positions