Spectrometer Rotation
Just a few logbook entries from December.
- Snapshot of one of the Rotation GUIs
- Summary of work to restore spectrometer rotation control
- Follow-up Re: Summary of work to restore spectrometer rotation control
Before we begin... Rotating the Hall-C spectrometers is pretty easy ... maybe too easy! Remember that you're moving a very large, very heavy object that can do lots of damage if it hits something, runs over something, or pulls on a cable or rope that is tied to something else. If the Hall-C technicians or engineers have certified the spectrometers as 'ready for rotation' then it is safe to proceed -- unless there is the possibility that you or somebody else left a cable, ladder, hose, etc. in the wrong place since the technicians checked. Just THINK before you act.
Rotation GUI Screen -- Rotating a spectrometer
The rotation control screen is part of the Spectrometer Magnets GUI. If you need to start it, the magnet screen is brought up on any hcdesk machine by the command go_magnets.
- The rotation screen will now appear. The same screen controls both the HMS and the SHMS. Do not try to move both spectrometers at the same time.
The large box on the right will have a green button indicating which spectrometer is Selected. If you want to rotate the other one, press the grey button that says Select the other one. In the screen image below, the SHMS is Selected for rotation.
- On this screen, the current SHMS angle is shown to be 24.79 degrees. A new angle (30 degrees) has been entered in the Rotate To: box by typing 30 and pressing RETURN (or ENTER) on the keyboard.
- Next, press Push to Enable. The button label will change to Enabled. After you take one final look at the value you typed and the spectrometer you are controlling, you may press the Enabled button and the spectrometer will rotate to the new position. You should monitor its progress both on the GUI and on the TV camera that views the correct angle scale.
Status Lights / Rotation Faults and Interlocks
The box on the lower-right shows the rotation system status. Generally, GREEN is good. RED indicates that something is wrong.
- Power On, Remote, and Auto should have green indicators.
- The square HMI Alive indicator to the left of the status box should be green, indicating that the control system is actually working and the process has not hung or crashed.
- If the HMI Alive indicator is red/white/flashing/not flashing????? --- what do I do?
Any RED status lights indicate a fault that needs to be cleared. Here they are and the procedure for clearing each one:
- HMS Forward Prox.
- what do I do?
- then what?
- HMS Reverse Prox.
- what do I do?
- then what?
- HMS Drive Controller
- what do I do?
- then what?
- SHMS Forward Prox.
- what do I do?
- then what?
- SHMS Reverse Prox.
- what do I do?
- then what?
- SHMS Drive Controller
- what do I do?
- then what?