Instructions for monitoring and analysis during shift

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Instructions for CT Experiment (E12-06-107)

1. Keep an eye on the Hall C Scaler Data GUI and make sure the rates with beam ON are steady

2. In the middle of the run

  for SHMS detector check: ./ <run_number>
  for HMS detector check: ./ <run_number>

3. After full run Check the Good events and Update the file on Google docs(

a. Login to cdaql1 machine 
b. Update the file " standard.Kinematics " : usually opened in HIGH VOLTAGE Monitor (HCDESK 2 )

  path : 
c. Analyze the run with :
 ./hcana -q "SCRIPTS/COIN/PRODUCTION/replay_production_coin_hElec_pProt.C(<run number>,-1)"  
d. Run the script
  ./ <run_number> <target>
   <target> = h or c
  This will spit out the Number of Good events in the Run and two pages of histograms
  Update the counts in the file  [on Google docs] and on the whiteboard
 Compare with golden histograms found at : 
 [CT analysis page]