F2/XEM Mar 2, 2018 9:00am
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- Fernando: Looked into the adc time cuts. [1]
check low momentum run and apply calibration param from the run to higher momentum run. Check pr vs sh correlation for different momenta.
- Abishek: SHMS DC calibration result was shown. [2]
Post residual too. Send the calibration file to Abel. For HMS, still needs to shift drift time manually for some wires. Check fit quality.
- Abel: Data vs MC comparison. Applied new calorimeter calibration from Fernando, but didn't see much of difference.
Wait for Mark to look at the SHMS optics.
- Simona: HMS Cer calibration. [3] Still see inefficiency at delta < -6 and bump around 1.5. PMT1 (top) covers negative delta, npe drops at dp < -6 to around 1 (probably the ones below FADC threshold).
We could just put a analysis cut or change (lower) FADC threshold. If we do change the threshold: check data and log run# when change was made.
- F2/XEM git repository: forked from hallc_replay [4]
- Run plan: Polarity change after finishing up 33 deg (probably on Sunday).
- Special task plan: boiling study and BCM calibration.
- Dave will discuss with Eric for setting up group disk on ifarm.