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The 2018 SIDIS Run Group Experiment

  • SIDIS Experiment Proposals [1] & [2]
  • Run Plan for E12-09-017- SIDIS Pt scan [3]
  • Instructions for monitoring and analysis during shift [4]
  • E12-09-017 completed run list [5]

Useful Links

  • Hall C Wiki [6]
  • Experimental Hall C [7]
  • HCLOG [8]
  • JLab Main [9]

Weekly Meetings

E12-09-017 Analysis Tasks

Description of task Who? Results (link pdf)
1 beam energy vs. time
2 spectrometer settings (momentum, angle): check all angles on tv snapshots and make sure standard kinematics doc is correct
3 beam current calibration Deb did it Done
3b BCM stability vs time
4 optics for SHMS dc<-10 and dp >20 No optics data available
5 detector calibrations
5a Drift chambers Anashe
5b ...
6 detector efficiencies for standard cuts
6a ...
6b ...
7 check of optics using ep(e', pi+) n and exclusive kaon production (peak positions and widths)
8 study best cuts for pi/K separation vs. momentum
9 study best cuts for pi/p separation
10 check stability in coincidence time peak (not stable in Peter's analysis)
11 Decide on binning in x, Q2, z, pt, phi
12 check stability of HMS singles rates Anashe
13 Careful evaluation of random subtraction method
14 Check of Al subtraction for LH2, LD2
15 Check stability (smoothness) of SHMS results, especially ratios
16 Fix as many "problem" runs as possible (usually by ending replay before end of run)
17 run MC for each setting: take ratio of MC/data to get corrections to SIDIS model Anashe & Hem?
18 Check accuracy of exclusive models with new data from both Hall C and CLAS
19 Pair-symmetric correction (plot to show is very small)
20 Analyze results in terms of the parameters in the proposal
21 How well can we separate out the cosphi and cos2phi terms?
22 Write PRL or PL on pion d, h results
23 Write PRD with also inclusion of kaon results, aluminum, and beam single-spin asymmetries
24 Study pole face scattering background Peter

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