RC meeting and Run Plan, Monday Nov 5

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Revision as of 12:37, 5 November 2018 by Randallm (Talk | contribs)

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  • Down for Beam studies (~4hrs) today, should be up and running again this afternoon
  • Finishing up Kin Group 18
  • Hall D TAC run on Wednesday Day should not affect Hall C

Time-Ordered Run Plan


  • Kin18.3 current setting
  • Kin18.4 ...
  • Kin14.5

SHMS POLARITY CHANGE (all else same)

  • Kin13.5

Then well start on Kin Groups 15 and 16


  • Take one HMS monitoring run each shift
  • For all settings, for each target, split the desired charge between three runs
  • Listed currents are estimates. For runs at less than 60uA, increase current until SHMS singles rates are between 400k-500k.


Planned access to the hall

  • No Planned Accesses