Pass 1 Checklist
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- Timing cuts are not implemented. These are low level and probably not affecting us too much, but there are scripts now that exist to find and set these cuts. (Deepak)
- The charge yield in the Report Files is different. This makes it hard to verify what was recorded. (Deepak)
- Tracking efficiencies are different than what was recorded during online analysis. Are these correct? If so, we should update and use these. Particularly important where we have 0.7-0.8 tracking efficiency in SHMS, now showing 0.9-0.95. (John)
- Optics: offsets to central P might still need some work (both HMS and SHMS). Possible inclusion of angle offset or change to mis-pointing is required. (Holly)
- SIMC: Subtle differences in the normalizations, etc. Needs to be studied, understood. (Holly)
- Efficiencies: should be weight by the distributions and include the full acceptance used and cuts. (John)
- Verify we use the right DBASE and PARAM for our experiment (everyone)
- Run-dependent timing offsets (Latif)