ROOT Analyzer/Compiling

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Revision as of 09:37, 30 April 2012 by Saw (talk | contribs) (Comments about old root versions)
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A skeleton Hall C analyzer, based on the Hall A analyzer is available and may be retrieved with Git, see Analyzer/Git.

Before compiling, go to the directory where the code is and setup the environment with


(Or "source setup.csh" if you use csh/tcsh.) This setup script can be called in your login script. Make sure that in addition to the Hall C code in the src directory, the Hall A code is in the podd directory. See Analyzer/Git if it is not.

The only prerequisite, beyond what should normally be installed on a system, is root. Unfortunately, it seems that the version of root on the CUE is too old, so you will probably need to build your own version of root, using version 5.32 or later. After building your own version of root, make sure that ROOTSYS points to the root distribution and that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes $ROOTSYS/lib and PATH contains $ROOTSYS/bin

To compile the analyzer, type


This should build the Hall A libraries and the Hall C analyzer hcana. If you get the error "'class TClonesArray' has no member named 'ConstructedAt'" then your version of root is too old.

See Analyzer/Running for instructions to run the analyzer.