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12 GeV software review

  • Email from Rolf on the dry runs
 First dry runs for the software review talks are scheduled
for Monday May 14th from 1 pm to 5 pm in F326/7. As float we have
the next day, Tuesday from 3:30 pm on, at the same location.
   The main idea of these dry runs is to have presentations
near-complete such that we can bounce ideas off each other, find
omissions, make improvements. There do not have to be stand-uop
presentations, mainly flipping through the various slides.
  • Charge of the committee.
  • Agenda of meeting on June 7 and 8th.
  • Current working drafts of morning and afternoon talks and backup material for June 2012 software review.
  • All hall [Documents ] for planning for a JLab softwrae readiness review