J/psi-007 Instructions for Shift Takers

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Instructions for J/ψ-007

1. Keep an eye on the Hall C Scaler Data GUI and make sure the rates with beam ON are steady

2. In the middle of the run, check online plots for the detectors

a. Login to cdaql1 machine and go to hallc_replay directory if you are not there already:

  > ssh cdaql1 
  > go_analysis 

b. Update the file " standard.Kinematics ":

For COIN runs, this is: $HOME/hallc-online/hallc_replay/DBASE/COIN/standard.kinematics

For runs taken with the separate DAQs during detector checkout and calibrations, the paths are $HOME/hallc-online/hallc_replay/DBASE/HMS/standard.kinematics $HOME/hallc-online/hallc_replay/DBASE/SHMS/standard.kinematics

See the run plan to check which DAQ should be running.

c. At 50k events, run scripts

  for SHMS detector check: ./run_coin_shms.sh <run_number>
  for HMS detector check: ./run_coin_hms.sh <run_number>

Note electron tracking efficiency for HMS and hadron tracking efficiency for SHMS from resulting report files.