Drawings of SHMS magnets

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Revision as of 12:10, 25 September 2012 by Jones (talk | contribs)
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  • Updated drawings (Sept 13, 2012).
  • Old drawings
    • [Side view drawing ] of the SHMS Q3 and Dipole with distances. The far left cross hair in the drawing is the x_hut=y_hut=z_hut=0 point from which the detector positions are measured in the hut. The distance from the dipole center to the "zero" point projected perpendicular to the mechanical center axis of the dipole is 3.65m as shown on an annotated drawing with the calculation. [Plot] of detector distances from the "zero" point. (From Mike Fowler on Sept 12th, 2011)
    • [Drawing ] with measurements of the dipole entrance flange. [3d picture ] of the dipole entrance.
  • [Summary table ] of the SHMS magnets field properties. From Steve Lassiter file magnet_summary.doc on Sept 9th 2011.
  • Dipole apertures used in the MC model: The following figures describe how to calculate the parameters required to describe the dipole apertures in the MC. The dipole effective length is divided into 8 equal segments and the aperture center and inclinations are calculated at each of these segments. The inclinations angles are shown in angles, and the drift distances and offsets of the center of the aperture with respect to the central trajectory are shown in table of offsets (20 cm drop) and (26 cm drop)

Horizontal Bender