5-pass production for A1n
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Revision as of 13:16, 12 January 2020 by Xiaochao (talk | contribs) (→Polarized Beam and Polarized 3He Target Requirements)
For polarized 3He running in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020, the nominal raster for production is 5mm diameter circular. The nominal triggers used are 3/4 for both HMS and SHMS. Both HMS and SHMS should be taking data (for example if run plan specify one run, it means one run on HMS and one run on SHMS simultaneously). No coincidence trigger will be used/setup.
For 5-pass production of A1n, we will do the high x setting (large angle) first, then rotate the target. After target rotation we will take low/medium x data for A1n, followed by the d2n experiment.
Polarized_Helium-3_Experiments#Run_Plan <- click this to return to main run plan page
Beam and raster checkout
Please refer to Beam and Raster Checkout for A1n/d2n (Short Procedure).
Moller Measurement
- Will need 8 hours to setup Moller and 8 hours to perform one Moller measurement. - Plan: we will perform one Moller measurement every (two?) week, and after each accelerator (shut)down time or beam condition change.
Beam Energy Measurement
- RC should contact MCC to organize a beam energy measurement during 1-pass running. - Time: 1 hour - Plan: we will perform one beam energy measurement before X'mas shutdown and one after, or as needed by each beam down period or condition change.
BCM Calibration
Goals - BCM Calibration (if not already done)
Procedure - Follow draft instructions here: Non-invasive BCM calibration procedure for 3He running 2019-2020
Production Running (Reference Cell Runs)
- For planning purposes it is useful to list all reference cell runs here. The following proposed times are from the 2010 proposal. Time listed are in calendar hours (twice the PAC hour in the proposal. That is, "BEAM ON" time should be half the values below). - Analysis requirement are the same as polarized 3He target data.
- N2 Reference Cell runs to check the dilution factor for each kinematics. Need 8-10atm N2 Reference Cell. - 4 hours at HMS Kine 1 (12.5 deg, -5.7 GeV) - 4 hours at HMS Kine 2 (12.5 deg, -6.8 GeV) - 8 hours at HMS kine 3 (30 deg, -2.9 GeV) - 8 hours at HMS Kine 4 (30 deg, -3.5 GeV) - 8 hours at SHMS Kine B (30 deg, -3.4 GeV) - 8 hours at SHMS Kine C (30 deg, -2.4 GeV) - 4 hours at SHMS Kine D (12.5 deg, -7.5 GeV)
- Positron runs to check e+/e- background. Need 8-10atm 3He Reference Cell. - Possibly using 3He Reference Cell will be good enough. Depending on how difficult it is to change polarity, we need only positron runs on SHMS (HMS is optional) - 2 hour at SHMS Kine B (and HMS Kine 4) - 2 hour at SHMS Kine C (and HMS Kine 3)
Production Running (Polarized 3He Runs)
Online/Expert Analysis Requirement
Things to Watch For in Online Analysis - Check PID, we need only electrons. Pion backgrounds may be high. - Check ztar distribution to check if cuts are necessary to reject glass windows. Electron yield should be extracted for 3He gas only. - Asymmetry will flip sign for each target spin and beam IHWP reversal. - Please extract yield per charge, helicity-dependent charge Q+ Q- and yield N+ N- cumulated over this kinematics. - Please use the following xbj bins, extract N+ N- and yield per charge N+/Q+ N-/Q- cumulated over this kinematics, and calculate asymmetries for N/Q. - xbj bin centers: 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.40, 0.45, 0.50, 0.55, 0.60, 0.65, 0.71,0.77,0.83,0.89,0.95,1.00 - xbj bin widths: 0.025,0.025,0.025,0.025,0.025,0.025,0.025,0.025,0.025,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.03,0.03 - Please post W and Xbj distributions, cumulated N+ N-, x-binned cumulated N+ N-, x-binned cumulated asymmetries per day.
Polarized Beam and Polarized 3He Target Requirements
- Beam IHWP and Target Spin should be flipped half way for each data set, forming equal data collection for: IN/0, IN/180, OUT/0, OUT/180 for longitudinal target settings and equal data collection for: IN/90, IN/270, OUT/90, OUT/270 for transverse target settings. - Propose flipping Beam IHWP once a day. - Frequency of target spin flip depends on how easy it is, and can vary from once a day to once in a while. One of the target experts must be present for this step. - - during typically data taking, need full target polarimetry (EPR, NMR, pNMR if possible) once per shift, and NMR (or pulsed NMR) every 2 hours, or less often if AFP loss is high.
Production Large Angle (30-degree) High Momentum Running (Kine 4,B)
Overview - We will run 42.5 (40 now?) calendar days with SHMS Kine B/HMS Kine 4; - Beam IHWP and Target Spin should be flipped routinely, providing same statistics for ++, +-, -+ and -- configurations; - We will take 1 hour of Empty Cell runs. More may be needed. - We will take 4 hours of Reference Cell N2 runs at 8 atm; - We will take 4 hours of data with SHMS at positive polarity (should be combined with positive polarity kine C below);
Setup - Beam Current: 30uA, raster always ON (5mm diameter) - Target: Polarized 3He Cell, Reference Cell -- Empty, filled with N2, filled with 3He - Pol3He Target Spin: 82% of data at longitudinal (0 and 180 deg), 18% at transverse (90 and 270 deg) spin; - HMS (Kine 4): 30.0 deg, 3.5 GeV/c (electron) - SHMS (Kine B): 30.0 deg, 3.4 GeV/c (electron) except for positive polarity running - Detectors: All SC bars ON
Procedure - Expected 3He gas rate: 0.94 Hz (HMS), 1.57 Hz (SHMS); - Expected pi/e ratio: (2-5):1 for the worst xbj bin - Expected total electron counts (3He gas yield N+ plus N-): 1.7M (HMS), 2.9M(SHMS)
Production Large Angle (30-degree) Low Momentum Running (Kine 3,C)
Overview - We will run 7.3 (6 now?) days at SHMS Kine C/HMS Kine 3; - For this setting, 82% of data will be taken with longitudinal target spin, 18% at transverse target spin; - Beam IHWP and Target Spin should be flipped routinely, providing same statistics for ++, +-, -+ and -- configurations; - We will take 1 hour of Empty Cell runs. More may be needed. - We will take 4 hours of Reference Cell N2 runs at 8 atm; - We will take 4 hours of data with SHMS at positive polarity (should be combined with positive polarity kine B above);
Setup - Beam Current: 30uA, raster always ON (5mm diameter) - Target: Polarized 3He Cell, Reference Cell -- Empty, filled with N2, filled with 3He - HMS (Kine 3): 30.0 deg, 2.9 GeV/c (electron) - SHMS (Kine C): 30.0 deg, 2.4 GeV/c (electron) except for positive polarity running - Detectors: All SC bars ON
Procedure - Expected 3He gas rate: 3.4Hz (HMS), 8.2Hz (SHMS) - Expected pi/e ratio: up to 40/1 for the worst xbj bin - Expected total electron counts (3He gas yield N+ plus N-): 1M (HMS), 2.6M (SHMS)
Production Small angle (12.5 deg) HMS Low Momentum (HMS Kine 1)
Overview - We will run 2 days plus two shifts at HMS Kine 1; - Beam IHWP and Target Spin should be flipped routinely, providing same statistics for ++, +-, -+ and -- configurations; - We will take 1 hour of Empty Cell runs. - We will take 2 hours of Reference Cell N2 runs at 8 atm;
Setup - Beam Current: 30uA, raster always ON (5mm diameter) - Target: Polarized 3He Cell, Reference Cell -- Empty, filled with N2, filled with 3He - Pol3He Target Spin: 75% of data at longitudinal (0 and 180 deg), 25% at transverse (90 and 270 deg) spin; - HMS: 12.5 deg, 5.7 GeV/c (electron) - SHMS: should be at kine D (see below) - Detectors: All SC bars ON
Procedure - Expected 3He gas rate: 880Hz - Expected pi/e ratio: less than 1/1 - Expected total electron counts (3He gas yield N+ plus N-): 101M
Production Small angle (12.5 deg) HMS Low Momentum (HMS Kine 2)
Overview - We will run 5 days plus one shift at HMS Kine 2; - Beam IHWP and Target Spin should be flipped routinely, providing same statistics for ++, +-, -+ and -- configurations; - We will take 1 hour of Empty Cell runs. - We will take 2 hours of Reference Cell N2 runs at 8 atm;
Setup - Beam Current: 30uA, raster always ON (5mm diameter) - Target: Polarized 3He Cell, Reference Cell -- Empty, filled with N2, filled with 3He - Pol3He Target Spin: 72% of data at longitudinal (0 and 180 deg), 28% at transverse (90 and 270 deg) spin; - HMS: 12.5 deg, 6.8 GeV/c (electron) - SHMS: should be at kine D (see below) - Detectors: All SC bars ON
Procedure - Expected 3He gas rate: 500Hz - Expected pi/e ratio: low (<1/1) - Expected total electron counts (3He gas yield N+ plus N-): 115M
Production Small angle (12.5 deg) SHMS Resonance (SHMS Kine D)
Overview - We will run 8 days at SHMS Kine D; - Beam IHWP and Target Spin should be flipped routinely, providing same statistics for ++, +-, -+ and -- configurations; - We will take 1 hour of Empty Cell runs. - We will take 2 hours of Reference Cell N2 runs at 8 atm;
Setup - Beam Current: 30uA, raster always ON (5mm diameter) - Target: Polarized 3He Cell, Reference Cell -- Empty, filled with N2, filled with 3He - Since this setting is concurrent with HMS Kine 1 and 2, target spin should follow instructions for HMS Kine 1 and 2 above. - SHMS: 12.5 deg, 7.5 GeV/c (electron) - Detectors: All SC bars ON
Procedure - Expected 3He gas rate: 185Hz - Expected pi/e ratio: very low - Expected total electron counts (3He gas yield N+ plus N-): 64M