Final Analysis Checklist
From HallCWiki
Jump to navigationJump to search- Update HCANA: check if this changes our yields. Freeze this copy of HCANA (we won’t change it going forward) —Deepak
- Check the effect of turning on track pruning on our yields. —Deepak
- Implement BCM corrections. —Deepak
- Update the average run currents. —John
- Update the proton absorption factor found in the spreadsheet (maybe add a writeup for your thesis). —John
- Compare detector efficiencies. —Deepak
- Check the live time calculations are correct. —Deepak
- FADC pulse amplitude = 0 problem. This will require checking the inefficiency for each detector we use and for each spectrometer arm. Hem is working on this and will give us some methodology to go by.
- Last step before final pass, check the reference times are still good.
- Dipangkar will send a list of the plots we will want to show in the PRL.
- Holly checking with Carlos and Mark why the max uncertainty from the spectrometers is so high in Carlos’s talk.
- Deepak will also e-mail to the group where the HCANA and hallc_replay are on /work so that if anyone needs to replay stuff quickly, we are all working from the same copy.