Dutch → Big Brother target change
Plan for Dutch → Big Brother target change
Hall Status: Controlled Access, if possible. Red fonts show when the Hall will be in Laser Controlled Access.
A) 8:30am: Polarized beam is terminated. Full Survey of the Hall (RadCon). Hall stays in Controlled Access.
B) 9:30:Open target enclosure (4 plastic panels): 3 or 4 Hall C Techs+ RadCon+Jian-Ping
C) 10:30 Remove Dutch and the target ladder: Arun, Todd, Jian-Ping, one target student+Radcon (1 or 2)
D) 12:00 Put Hall in Last Controlled Access: Jian-Ping
E) 12:10 Laser polarization measurement: Junhao,Todd+Radcon
F) 12:10 Out of Last Controlled Access: Jian-Ping
G) 14:00 Replace EPR fiber bundle: 1 target expert+Jian-Ping+RadCon
H) 15:00 Install Big Brother: Arun, Todd, Bill, Jian-Ping+RadCon
I) 16:00 Install target ladder/Ref. Cell connection: Arun, Todd, Bill, Jian-Ping+RadCon
J) 17:00 Set-up RTDs and other connections: Arun, Bill, Jian-Ping+RadCon
K) 18:00 Alignment check: Arun, Bill, Jian-Ping+RadCon
L) 20:00 Put Hall in Last Controlled Access: Jian-Ping
M) 20:00 Laser alignement/spot: Jian-Ping+Target experts+Radcon
N) 22:00 Out of Last Controlled Access: Jian-Ping
Oa) 22:00 put back the target enclosures, and close Hall for data taking overnight on ref. cell: 3 Techs+RadCon.
Ob) 22:00 Start polarizing the target for target check overnight
P) Tuesday 7:00am close the target if it had not been done. Then target polarimetry calibrations and tests.
Q) Tuesday ??:??am/pm: Take unpolarized beam on Ref. cell until Wednesday 8:00am (a separate run plan is being prepared for this period.)
In parallel to the above, other tasks need to be done Monday. They should be organized when enough access keys are available (who is in the Hall will be written in the counting room white board).
a) Rotation stage/camera: Ethan (Jack), Brad
b) Kepco power supply swap/fix/work: Bill
c) Replace the 2 old flowmeters for the nitrogen cooling jets lines with 2 new ones: Andy (Jack)