Maxnet reset instructions
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Thre are two maxnet controllers that control the QWP motors. They are named polhemaxnet and polhemaxnet2. If you believe one of them is no longer responding, try pinging them with 'ping polhemaxnet'. If it does not respond, it likely needs to be reset.
polhemaxnet is on hcreboot5 and polhemaxnet2 is on hcreboot6. Follow the instructions on those pages to power cycle the controller that is hung up.
After the controler has been rebooted, the software needs to be restarted by logging into the raspberry pi that runs the IOC. To log on, ssh to pi@polhe3pi2. By logging in to the pi, the software should automatically restart.
Once the software is restarted, the stages will need to be homed again before use.