Experts on call
From HallCWiki
On call Experts
- Before contacting any on-call experts, shift workers should consult the Run Coordinator 270-8916
Hall C Run Coordinator
- 270-8916
Hall C Counting House and Hall
Hall C Technical on call
- 593-7890
- Use for issues related to HMS/SHMS magnets, power supplies, rotation or other hall infrastructure
- If no response to first call:
- Wait 10 minutes
- Call again - leave voicemail if no pickup, alert the RC - RC will contact appropriate subject matter expert
Hall C Work Coordinator
- Walter Kellner: 592-1527
- Mark Jones: 206-7702
- Bill Gunning: 879-2420 or 269-5017
- Chris Cuevas: 865-0461
- Dave Gaskell: 719-5482
Unser, BCM
- Dave Mack: 269-7442
Beam Energy Measurement
- Mark Jones: 206-7702
- Dave Mack: 269-7442
Online/offline analysis
DAQ, Trigger
- Brad Sawatzky: 344-2494
High Voltage
- Steve Wood: 593-6656
Target system
Cryo Target
- The Target Expert on call should be written on the white board in the counting room,
and will rotate among the three people listed below.
If you can't reach the expert currently on call, try one of the other two.- Greg Smith: (757) 871-4371
- Silviu Covrig: (843) 697-1753
- JP Chen: (757) 218-0722
SHMS Detectors
- Simona Malace: 869-3131
Drift Chambers
- Eric Christy: 725-2685
- Deb Biswas: 503-9499
Noble Gas Cherenkov
- Brad Sawatzky (gas system): 344-2494
- Donal Day: 434-249-0241
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- Brad Sawatzky (gas system): 344-2494
- Garth Huber:
- Vladimir Berdnikov: 757-269-6928 (office), 757-277-8135 (cell)
- Hamlet Mkrtchyan: ( - remote, not on site
- Hakob Voskanyan: 7741, 223-6507
- Hamlet Mkrtchyan: 7741 ( - remote, not on site
HMS Detectors
- Simona Malace: 869-3131
Drift Chambers
- Howard Fenker: 849-2587
- Brad Sawatzky: 344-2494
- Liguang Tang:
Gas Cherenkov
- Howard Fenker: 849-2587
- Brad Sawatzky (gas system): 344-2494
- Hakob Voskanyan: 7741, 223-6507
- Hamlet Mkrtchyan: ( - remote, not on site