NPS Calo SlowControls
NPS Calorimeter Slow Controls
Most slow controls can be accessed from Phoebus. From cdaq@cdaql3 ssh as user cdsg@cdaql3, then execute :
The main menu will appear
High Voltage
% go_hv
Run the above command as hccuser@cdaql3. It currently runs the CAEN GECOS HV gui, but that link will be redirected to the production Phoebus screens when ready.
Phoebus HV controls
% cdsg/phoebus-4.6.10-SNAPSHOT/
From the Phoebus main menu, click on "Overview" to bring up the HV menu.
- Detailed instructions: Phoebus HV Controls manual
Low Voltage
WIENER MPOD Low Voltage System
- MPOD System Manual
- MPV8008 LV board in above manual
% go_lv
Run the above command as hccuser@cdaql3. It currently runs the ISEG generic GUI, but that link will be redirected to the production Phoebus screens when ready.
Phoebus LV controls
From the Phoebus main menu, click on "NPS LV" to bring up the LV menu.
- Detailed Low Voltage instructions from Chandan Ghosh
Thermal Readbacks (Keysight)
- Detailed instructions for thermal controls: Phoebus Thermal Readback (Keysight) manual
Temperature controls
From the Phoebus main menu, click on "HIS" to bring up the Monitoring and Controls menu. Each of the sub-menus has temperature controls for different parts of the detector.
From the Phoebus main menu, click on "Chillers" to bring up the Chillers menu.