March 1, 2024

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RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Iuliia Skorodumina

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

Useful Links


Yesterday (02/29) morning two bad NPS channels appeared and at 1pm we went to Controlled access to perform a repair. One of the PMTs was found to be bad and was replaced ( Accelerator on their end started repairs towards the end of the Day shift as they needed to do some work on zone 1L24 to improve the trip rate (

We went back to Beam permit by the beginning of the Swing shift and were ready to go back to production, but there wasn't much beam during Swing as the 1L24 work continued ( In the evening one more problematic NPS channel emerged, so Julie, Alexandre, and Mitchell made opportunistic escorted access to do repair ( and

The beam returned at the beginning of Owl shift and we had about 3 hours of datataking on LH2, after which the accelerator issues resumed and continued till the end of the shift (

At the moment there is no beam as the accelerator is struggling with bringing 1L12 back to work. Once the beam is back we will continue taking data in KinC_x36_6 kinematics.

Day shift summary ((

Swing shift summary (

Owl shift summary (

We will have an RC meeting today at 11 a.m.

Planned Access to the Hall



  • 1L24 repair started yesterday (02/29) during Day shift and continued till the end of Swing.
  • At 4am 1L12 dropped HV. Accelerator is working on bringing 1L12 back to work since then.

Current Run Plan

Current Issues

  • Hanjie was concerned that some NPS crates have relatively higher fan temperatures (~95F). We put box fans for those crates. We also asked Facilities if they can lower the AC set point from 68F to 65F (was done yesterday).

Future plans

  • Monday (03/04): Sweeper wings off (Walter).
  • Monday (03/04): Spectrometer rotations: To be done after taking the Wings off. HMS-SHMS separation needs to be certified in the hall (Steve L).
  • Moller measurement next week (probably Tuesday)