March 22, 2024

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Revision as of 09:57, 22 March 2024 by Mnycz (Talk | contribs) (Planned Access to the Hall)

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RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Michael Nycz (

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

Useful Links


  • Yesterday, while attempting to bring us back to production, there was a vacuum issue in the NE spreading.
  • have been down since ~11 am yesterday. Prior to the vacuum issue, the calorimeter was moved from 3 to 4 meters. Unfortunately, no data has been taken at this 4 meter setting.
  • This morning, will move the calorimeter back to 3 meters in anticipation of the resumption of beam.
  • While beam has down, a short access was made into the hall during the SWING shift. Module C3-R3 was replaced.
  • A full summary of the activities can be found in Josh's logbook entry:
  • LED runs were taken during OWL shift.
  • Presently, work continues to address the vacuum issue. They expect to have a clearer idea about the timeline for resuming beam delivery around noon today,

Planned Access to the Hall

  • 03/22/2024 - Move NPS to 3 meters: KinC_x50_0 / NPS = 14.40 deg

Future Plans

  • Tuesday (03/26): Moller measurement


  • Site Office walkthrough ~ 15 - 30 minutes on Wednesday (will need to be out of the hall).
  • Doug will try and coordinate to let us know the time so we can prepare

Shift schedule

  • Is beginning to fill up
    • TO Sunday OWL: Trade request
    • TO Sunday DAY: SL needs to have walkthrough (SAF112)
    • TO shift for OWL and SWING (Monday - Wednesday)