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2024 April - June

  1. General
    1. /apps and /site will no longer exists, /cvmfs will be mounted in RHEL 9, which includes the software that are used to be in /apps and /site. "module load" is used to install apps from /cvmfs. This means scripts that have /apps, /site will need to be pointed to a new location.
    2. Because the linux libs will be updated, most local packages would need to be recompiled.
  2. EPICS
  • Currently, EPICS are hosted in cdaql1 and cdaql3 as services. We should move all of them to the ESX VM. (Bill Henry would be the contact person)
  1. CODA and pxeboot
    1. Move scripts under "coda" to "hccoda"; "coda" account will be abolished, since it's not in the central system.
    2. Pxeboot should be moved to the ESX VM, and the TFTP server would be updated to point to the new host. (EXS VM have more secured/sophisticated fail protection when compared to the local clusters)
  2. cvideo
  • Munin configurations
  • Build a backup system for the spectrometer angle camera system (Bob Michael is the contact person)
  1. cron jobs
    1. cron jobs are specific for each user at each computer. Should make a list of the current cron jobs and restarted them after the upgrade. For example, coda DB cron job, jmirror cron job. Most cron jobs are under "root" account. Don't forget cron jobs at "root@cdaqbackup1", "cvxworks@cdaql*", "root@cvideo1".