TAzz Minutes
From HallCWiki
Meeting Minutes
2014-05-16 Proposal Meeting Minutes
- Ellie showed what different polarizations and an extended target have on the statistics
- We'll stick with Pzz=30% for the proposal, since that's the requirement for b1, but we have the others on hand if we need them
- Dustin is playing with tensor-polarized butanol, since it's easier to use than ND3, but gives an idea of what can be done with ND3
- A discussion was had on what we can do with the slopes
- Ellie will find the confidence level we have in each slope at different Q^2
- There are scaling variables where the slopes all sit on top of each other
- Seeing this happen for different Q^2 will show that we have a good understanding of what is happening with SRC theory
- Multiple talks were had with theorists
- Ellie talked with Mark Strikman, who will be writing a motivation section for separation of the S- and D-states using Azz
- Ellie and Doug talked with Misak Sargsian, who will be doing light-cone and virtual nucleon calculations at each of our kinematics
- Doug talked with Wally Van Orden, who is very excited about the low-Q^2 parts, but we're not sure if he'll have something compelling before the written proposal due date
- It is expected that he should have something by the PAC defense
- Ellie will reach out to the other theorists who attended the Tensor Workshop to see if there are any other physics that we can pull out of the measurement
- Proposal Status
- Not much of an update, expecting a big one by next week as we hear back from the theorists
- Next meeting: Friday the 23rd at 3pm ET
2014-05-09 Proposal Meeting Minutes
- Need input from theorists
- On Thursday, Ellie, Doug, and Patricia? will have a meeting with Misak (SRC Group)
- Phone call will happen sometime Thursday, after Misak arrives at JLab
- Ask if he could write a section
- Ellie will get in touch with Mark about his work (S/D Group)
- Ask if he could write a section
- Mark, Ellie, and Donal will see how different wavefunctions affect Azz
- We need to be careful about what we call "short range"
- Short Range Correlations = Tensor Correlations
- Short Range NN Core = Repulsive NN Core
- Azz bridges the gap between t20 and b1
- b1 for x < 0.6, Azz for 0.6 < x < 2, t20 for 2 < x
- Dustin will help with systematics and updating the target section with a conservative "what we can do tomorrow" piece and an optimistic "what can we do 5 years from now if everything works" piece
- Ellie will double-check the statistics for Pzz=15% at 30 days of beam
- Karl will look into luminosity monitors
2014-04-18 Proposal Meeting Minutes
- Ellie showed the kinematics for 5 potential measurements in 24 PAC days
- For the PAC, it will be important not only to see what we can do with Pzz=30%, but also for Pzz=15%
- One thing that Doug and Patricia noted is that it probably makes more sense to really nail the plateau at Q^2~1.5, without question, and have that be our high-Q^2 point
- The lower Q^2 points are cheap compared to the high one
- Ellie will play with the kinematics a bit to find our plateau sweet spot
- The x>2 region is going to be important for getting a handle on the dilution, even though it's unphysical for the deuteron
- Doug is going to talk to Brad Sawatzky about getting us a JLab git repository
- The PAC42 submission deadline is June 2
- The joint Hall A/C meeting is on June 5-6, following the User's Group Meeting
- Ellie will contact Pete Markowitz about our intent to submit a proposal
- Putting together the proposal
- We are ahead of the game on kinematics, but need theory motivation for the experiment
- The talks from the Tensor Workshop need to be combed through for the interesting physics
- Karl and Ellie will go back through the talks to pull out interesting motivations
- Wally's talk will be useful for the low Q^2 points
- Misak's and Mark's talks will be useful for the high Q^2 point
- Doug, Karl, and Patricia are interested in moving forward, but we need to reach out to pick up more collaborators
- Next meeting in 1-2 weeks, depending on progress
- Fridays at 3:00pm is a good time for everyone