Hallc optics optim
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New verison of the Hall C optics optimization code. This is a slimmed down version of the old code.
Optimization Source Code
- optimize.f
- Main program calls subroutines read_input, read_matrix, fit_init, fit_matrix.
- read_input.f
- reads in the input file.
- Presently hardcoded to use the input filename as input.db
- read_matrix.f
- Reads in the standard replay optics matrix data file
- Hardcode the constant offsets terms for xp,yp,y and delta.
- fit_init.f
- Hardcode collimator distance zcol = 166.+1.6
- Hardcode dflag=0 . Set dflag=1 for delta optimization.
- Hardcode the spec_type =1 for HMS which assumes 81 sieve holes. spec_type =2 could be used for SHMS. Need to have this a part of input.db
- Hardcoded to look for variables HSXPFP,HSYTAR,HSXPTAR, HSYPTAR
gbeam_y,eventID,xtar in the ntuple.
- If doing delta optimization set up for ep elastics. Assumes that in the ntuple the energy loss for the beam and scattering electron will be the 13th and 14th variable.
- Loops through the ntuples using 2d ytar/xfp and xsieve/ysieve cut to select events. Hardcoded to accept a maximum of 200 events per hole and 100000 events total.
- Fills arrays
- Focal plane quantities pts(i,ntotal) = i=1,4 (for xfp,xpfp,yfp,ypfp) for each event
- Known y (ydata) , xp (thdata) and yp (phdata) values.
zzero(ntotal) = ztarpos(k)*dcos(spec_ang)/100.0 ydata(ntotal) = ztarpos(k)*dsin(spec_ang)/100.0 If SHMS need to set ydata(ntotal) =−ztarpos(k)*dsin(spec_ang)/100.0 thdata(ntotal) = xsr(k,nh_found)/(zcol−zzero(ntotal)*100) phdata(ntotal) = (ysr(k,nh_found)−ydata(ntotal)*100)/(zcol−zzero(ntotal)*100) ydata(ntotal)=ydata(ntotal)−phdata(ntotal)*zzero(ntotal)
- fit_matrix.f