Commissioning Plan 2017

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2017 Hall C Commissioning Plan (draft)

Magnet Field Setting


  • ALWAYS set DIPOLE by NMR coming DOWN from 900A - still true?
  • Set QUADS by initially setting to a current of 200 A above the set currents (or the maximum current of 1100 A for Q1 if set current + 200 > 1100), and then coming DOWN.


  • Set HB magnet to 1500 A and then go up or down setting HB by NMR
  • Set QUADS … - need Q1 mapping data in form we can decide on this

Set DIPOLE by NMR (or with Hall Probe at highest momentum settings, not relevant for this commissioning plan) …

Beam Energy and Equipment Assumption

Hall C Pre-Ops presumably will start at beam energy above 6 GeV (3-pass or 4-pass) as first order one needs to prove the Key Performance Parameters are met. This means also the noble gas Cherenkov is in place. As soon as data is collected for this Cherenkov to validate the detector being operational (i.e., seeing signals fulfilling the Key Performance Parameters), we need to remove this detector and replace by the alternate SHMS vacuum extension, to reduce multiple scattering before the focal plane. This would require removal of some roof blocks and tech assistance. Beyond the >6 GeV checkout for most of the detector and spectrometer optics studies, we will also need about one day of one-pass beam energy, assumed to be in the 2.0-2.2 GeV range, to measure the dispersion matrix elements of the SHMS with a Carbon elastic scan.