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2 Beam energy of 2.2 GeV

   2.1 Initial conditions
   2.2 Beam Checkout with Superharps and Beam Position Monitors
   2.3 Center beam on C-hole target
   2.4 Initial HMS/SHMS Detector Checkout
       2.4.1 Wire Chamber
       2.4.2 Shower Counter
       2.4.3 Scintillator
       2.4.4 Cerenkov
       2.4.5 Aerogel
   2.5 Initial checkout of SHMS/HMS tune
   2.6 Beam Energy Measurement
   2.7 Carbon 4.4 inelastic with HMS
   2.8 Fine tune SHMS with Carbon 4.4 inelastic
   2.9 SHMS Delta checkout with Carbon Elastic ground state
   2.10 SHMS/HMS Delta Matrix calibration
   2.11 1H(eep) Coincidence SHMS (proton) and HMS (electron)
   2.12 1H(eep) Coincidence SHMS (electron) and HMS (proton)
   2.13 SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization

3 Beam energy of 6.4 GeV

   3.1 Initial conditions
   3.2 Superharp Scan
   3.3 SHMS Tune Verification
   3.4 Detailed Detector Checkout
       3.4.1 Wire Chamber
       3.4.2 Shower Counter Calibration Run
       3.4.3 Scintillator
       3.4.4 Cerenkov
       3.4.5 Aerogel
   3.5 Set Discriminator Thresholds for PID Trigger
   3.6 Defocused Tune for SHMS
   3.7 BCM Calibration
   3.8 Target boiling study
   3.9 Beam Energy Measurement
   3.10 1H or 12C(eep) [3 hr]
   3.11 1H or 12C(e, e’ π) [2 hr]
   3.12 1H(e’K) and 1H(e, e’K) [3 hr]
   3.13 Coincidence Checkout [16 hrs]
   3.14 Elastic p(ep) Checkout
   3.15 HMS/SHMS Angle and Position Matrix Optimization
   3.16 HMS Angle and position matrix optimization for large ytgt
   3.17 Use GEM to check out SHMS optics
   3.18 Check spectrometer pointing