Monday, Feb. 19, 2018

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Revision as of 22:15, 19 February 2018 by Simona (talk | contribs)
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-- In the morning without beam:

--> Switch DAQ from coin to singles mode (Simona) DONE

--> Change angle and momentum on HMS and SHMS (HMS will be set for the dipole saturation study and SHMS for the highest momentum setting at 21 deg) (Gabi, on shift) - a magnet expert will be available if we have problems going to high momentum in HMS DONE JUST SHMS; HMS has issues

--> Test the replay shells once the new structure of the hallc_online/hallc_replay is set (Simona) DONE

--> Check the thresholds for the trigger PID legs in the electronics room (Simona) DONE

--> Check the HMS and SHMS hodoscopes thresholds in the electronics room (Carlos, Simona) DONE

--> Put Vardan's new SHMS calorimeter calibration file (obtained with the defocused run) in hallc-online ... DBASE/... DONE

--> Post target operational limits by the target computer (student, Abel) DONE

--> Make sure the LD2 target is ready to go; Sanghwa coordinated with Silviu already DONE

--> Add extra pages per kinematics to the run plan binders for extra notes (student, Fernando) DONE

-- With beam:

--> check the beam spot on the YAG, unrastered and rastered. We could probably do a C-hole run - this will serve as starting reference for the experiment DONE

--> Eric Christy takes data to measure the HMS dipole saturation effect HAPPENING

--> Simona takes data to re-test the efficiency of the PID legs for electron detection in both SHMS and HMS SHMS DONE

--> Simona will run her SHMS and HMS Hodoscope monitoring scripts on most recent F2/EMC runs TO HAPPEN

--> Students (Abel, Fernando) and Sanghwa will look at the quality of data (calibrations, in particular) and do calibrations, if necessary HAPPENING

--> Take first physics points in SHMS and HMS