E12-09-017 Run Plan

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Beam energy: 10.6 GeV HMS spectrometer will be detecting electrons. SHMS Spectrometer will run both positive and negative pi/K Trigger: main trigger is Electron_lo in HMS in coincidence

  with 3/4 scintillator in SHMS, with a time window adjusted
  as short as possible without loosing efficiency.
  Should also have HMS Electron_lo single arm trigger, 
  SHMS Electron_lo and 3/4 scin. single arm triggers with 
  prescale factors that give small (<100 Hz) rates 

Beam current: between 10 and 40 microamps. keep real/accidentals 1:1

  or better on the LD2 target if possible, and singles rates in SHMS 
  below 500 KHz. Best guess starting values are in the table 

Targets: LH2, LD2, dummy Run time: to first order, 1 hour good quality beam for

  each of LH2 and LD2, 30 minutes for dummy for each kinematic point

Kinematic points (in order, except as end of run approaches, try to make sure each point has both positive and negative SHMS polarity).

set SHMS to positive polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  5.05  0.90 -0.06  1.16  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  3.37  0.60 -0.04  3.35  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10   8.0  2.53  0.45 -0.21  4.35  13.5
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  10.0  2.53  0.45 -0.12  4.41  22.8
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  2.53  0.45 -0.03  4.44  39.6
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  14.0  2.53  0.45  0.06  4.44  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  16.0  2.53  0.45  0.15  4.40  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  18.0  2.53  0.45  0.23  4.32  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  20.0  2.53  0.45  0.32  4.21  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  22.0  2.53  0.45  0.41  4.07  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  24.0  2.53  0.45  0.50  3.89  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  26.0  2.53  0.45  0.58  3.68  40.0

Switch SHMS to negative polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  5.05  0.90 -0.06  1.16  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  3.37  0.60 -0.04  3.35  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10   8.0  2.53  0.45 -0.21  4.35  13.5
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  10.0  2.53  0.45 -0.12  4.41  22.8
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  2.53  0.45 -0.03  4.44  39.6
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  14.0  2.53  0.45  0.06  4.44  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  16.0  2.53  0.45  0.15  4.40  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  18.0  2.53  0.45  0.23  4.32  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  20.0  2.53  0.45  0.32  4.21  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  22.0  2.53  0.45  0.41  4.07  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  24.0  2.53  0.45  0.50  3.89  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  26.0  2.53  0.45  0.58  3.68  40.0

Lower SHMS momentum: keep negative polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10   8.0  1.96  0.35 -0.16  5.09  10.1
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  10.0  1.96  0.35 -0.09  5.14  15.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  1.96  0.35 -0.02  5.16  22.8
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  14.0  1.96  0.35  0.04  5.16  35.2
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  16.0  1.96  0.35  0.11  5.13  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  18.0  1.96  0.35  0.18  5.07  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  20.0  1.96  0.35  0.25  4.98  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  22.0  1.96  0.35  0.32  4.87  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  24.0  1.96  0.35  0.39  4.74  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  26.0  1.96  0.35  0.45  4.57  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  28.0  1.96  0.35  0.52  4.38  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  30.0  1.96  0.35  0.58  4.17  40.0

Switch SHMS to positive polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10   8.0  1.96  0.35 -0.16  5.09  10.1
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  10.0  1.96  0.35 -0.09  5.14  15.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  12.0  1.96  0.35 -0.02  5.16  22.8
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  14.0  1.96  0.35  0.04  5.16  35.2
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  16.0  1.96  0.35  0.11  5.13  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  18.0  1.96  0.35  0.18  5.07  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  20.0  1.96  0.35  0.25  4.98  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  22.0  1.96  0.35  0.32  4.87  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  24.0  1.96  0.35  0.39  4.74  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  26.0  1.96  0.35  0.45  4.57  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  28.0  1.96  0.35  0.52  4.38  40.0
 5.3  13.5  0.31  3.10  30.0  1.96  0.35  0.58  4.17  40.0

ange HMS momentum to 5.9 GeV, keep SHMS positive polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  4.52  0.90 -0.01  0.91  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  3.01  0.60 -0.00  2.63  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50   8.0  2.41  0.48 -0.34  3.08  12.6
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  10.0  2.41  0.48 -0.25  3.19  20.8
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  12.0  2.41  0.48 -0.17  3.26  35.1
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  14.0  2.41  0.48 -0.09  3.31  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  2.41  0.48 -0.00  3.32  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  18.0  2.41  0.48  0.08  3.31  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  20.0  2.41  0.48  0.17  3.26  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  22.0  2.41  0.48  0.25  3.19  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  24.0  2.41  0.48  0.33  3.09  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  26.0  2.41  0.48  0.42  2.96  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  28.0  2.41  0.48  0.50  2.80  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  30.0  2.41  0.48  0.58  2.61  40.0

Switch SHMS to negative polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  4.52  0.90 -0.01  0.91  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  3.01  0.60 -0.00  2.63  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50   8.0  2.41  0.48 -0.34  3.08  12.6
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  10.0  2.41  0.48 -0.25  3.19  20.8
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  12.0  2.41  0.48 -0.17  3.26  35.1
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  14.0  2.41  0.48 -0.09  3.31  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  2.41  0.48 -0.00  3.32  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  18.0  2.41  0.48  0.08  3.31  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  20.0  2.41  0.48  0.17  3.26  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  22.0  2.41  0.48  0.25  3.19  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  24.0  2.41  0.48  0.33  3.09  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  26.0  2.41  0.48  0.42  2.96  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  28.0  2.41  0.48  0.50  2.80  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  30.0  2.41  0.48  0.58  2.61  40.0

Lower SHMS momentum: keep negative polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50   8.0  2.01  0.40 -0.28  3.58  10.3
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  10.0  2.01  0.40 -0.21  3.66  15.5
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  12.0  2.01  0.40 -0.14  3.72  23.7
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  14.0  2.01  0.40 -0.07  3.76  37.1
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  2.01  0.40 -0.00  3.78  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  18.0  2.01  0.40  0.07  3.76  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  20.0  2.01  0.40  0.14  3.73  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  22.0  2.01  0.40  0.21  3.67  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  24.0  2.01  0.40  0.28  3.58  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  26.0  2.01  0.40  0.35  3.47  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  28.0  2.01  0.40  0.42  3.34  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  30.0  2.01  0.40  0.48  3.18  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  32.0  2.01  0.40  0.55  3.00  40.0

Switch SHMS to positive polarity

P_HMS TH_HMS   x    Q2 TH_SHMS P_SHMS  z   p_t  W'2  current
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50   8.0  2.01  0.40 -0.28  3.58  10.3
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  10.0  2.01  0.40 -0.21  3.66  15.5
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  12.0  2.01  0.40 -0.14  3.72  23.7
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  14.0  2.01  0.40 -0.07  3.76  37.1
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  16.0  2.01  0.40 -0.00  3.78  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  18.0  2.01  0.40  0.07  3.76  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  20.0  2.01  0.40  0.14  3.73  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  22.0  2.01  0.40  0.21  3.67  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  24.0  2.01  0.40  0.28  3.58  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  26.0  2.01  0.40  0.35  3.47  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  28.0  2.01  0.40  0.42  3.34  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  30.0  2.01  0.40  0.48  3.18  40.0
 5.9  13.5  0.40  3.50  32.0  2.01  0.40  0.55  3.00  40.0