Monitoring/Analysis Instructions During A Shift
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Revision as of 18:42, 30 March 2018 by Cyero (talk | contribs) (→H(e,e'p) Check and Aluminum Dummy Instructions)
Instructions for D(e,e'p)n Experiment (E12-10-003)
Useful Links
Setting the Momentum in the HMS/SHMS Magnets
H(e,e'p) Check and Aluminum Dummy Instructions
The plan is to take SHMS singles, so set the HMS/SHMS angle and momentum settings in the Kinematics Sheet.
2. In the middle of the run, check online plots for the detectors
Login to cdaql1 machine and go to hallc_replay directory: > ssh cdaql1 > go_analysis
for SHMS detector check: ./ <run_number>
for HMS detector check: ./ <run_number>
3. After full run, check the Good events and Update the file on Google docs
a. Login to cdaql1 machine
b. Update the file " standard.Kinematics " : usually opened in HIGH VOLTAGE Monitor (HCDESK 2 ) path : /net/cdaqfs/home/cdaq/hallc-online/hallc_replay/DBASE/COIN/STD/standard.kinematics
c. Analyze the run with :