CSV Fall 2018 Run Plan

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Fall 2018 run plan


The goal of the E12-09-002 experiment is to measure the ratio of semi-inclusive pi+ and pi- production from LD2 for the purpose of looking for Charge Symmetry Violation (CSV) in quark distributions.

Experimental setup

  • Main trigger is ELREAL (electron PID trigger) in the HMS in coincidence with 3/4 in the SHMS.
  • HMS is setup for detecting electrons (inclusive DIS measurement).
  • SHMS is setup for detecting charged pions and kaons (semi-inclusive DIS measurement).

Settings to monitor during shift

  • Beam energy: 10.6 GeV. Raster 2x2
  • Beam current:
    • The nominal beam current is 50 muA for pi- and 25 muA for pi+. The main goal is to keep the total rate in the pion arm the same at both polarities (500 kHz or less). If the rate exceeds 500 kHz, please adjust the beam current accordingly.
  • Trigger:
    • Main trigger is ELREAL (TRIG3) in HMS in coincidence with 3/4 (TRIG1) in SHMS.
  • Prescale: PS5=0 all the time. Adjust PS3 and PS1 to get about 100 Hz of singles in each arm.


Kinematic Group 1: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.35

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
1-1 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.700 16.64 11.61 4.508 -4.262 -1 276.0 xx 1.533 NN x x
1-2 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.700 16.64 11.61 4.508 -4.262 -1 205.0 xx 1.139 NN x x
1-3 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.700 16.64 11.61 4.508 -4.262 -1 605.8 xx 3.366 NN x x
1-4 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.600 16.64 11.61 4.508 -3.653 -1 164.0 xx 0.911 NN x x
1-5 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.600 16.64 11.61 4.508 -3.653 -1 122.1 xx 0.678 NN x x
1-6 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.600 16.64 11.61 4.508 -3.653 -1 350.6 xx 1.948 NN x x
1-7 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.500 16.64 11.61 4.508 -3.043 -1 161.0 xx 0.894 NN x x
1-8 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.500 16.64 11.61 4.508 -3.043 -1 120.0 xx 0.667 NN x x
1-9 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.500 16.64 11.61 4.508 -3.043 -1 338.3 xx 1.879 NN x x
1-10 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.400 16.64 11.61 4.508 -2.433 -1 113.7 xx 0.632 NN x x
1-11 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.400 16.64 11.61 4.508 -2.433 -1 84.9 xx 0.472 NN x x
1-12 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.350 0.400 16.64 11.61 4.508 -2.433 -1 236.8 xx 1.316 NN x x

Kinematic group 1 total time : 15.4345 hrs (0.643104 days)

Kinematic Group 2: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.35

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
2-1 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.700 16.64 11.61 4.508 4.262 +1 128.9 xx 1.433 NN x x
2-2 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.700 16.64 11.61 4.508 4.262 +1 97.0 xx 1.078 NN x x
2-3 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.700 16.64 11.61 4.508 4.262 +1 245.8 xx 2.731 NN x x
2-4 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.600 16.64 11.61 4.508 3.653 +1 89.6 xx 0.995 NN x x
2-5 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.600 16.64 11.61 4.508 3.653 +1 67.4 xx 0.749 NN x x
2-6 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.600 16.64 11.61 4.508 3.653 +1 171.6 xx 1.907 NN x x
2-7 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.500 16.64 11.61 4.508 3.043 +1 98.8 xx 1.098 NN x x
2-8 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.500 16.64 11.61 4.508 3.043 +1 74.3 xx 0.826 NN x x
2-9 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.500 16.64 11.61 4.508 3.043 +1 190.2 xx 2.114 NN x x
2-10 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.400 16.64 11.61 4.508 2.433 +1 74.8 xx 0.831 NN x x
2-11 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.400 16.64 11.61 4.508 2.433 +1 56.2 xx 0.624 NN x x
2-12 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.350 0.400 16.64 11.61 4.508 2.433 +1 144.3 xx 1.604 NN x x

Kinematic group 2 total time : 15.9884 hrs (0.666183 days)

Kinematic Group 3: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.4

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
3-1 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.700 15.38 14.21 5.270 3.729 +1 142.8 xx 1.587 NN x x
3-2 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.700 15.38 14.21 5.270 3.729 +1 107.6 xx 1.195 NN x x
3-3 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.600 15.38 14.21 5.270 3.195 +1 99.7 xx 1.108 NN x x
3-4 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.600 15.38 14.21 5.270 3.195 +1 75.0 xx 0.834 NN x x
3-5 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.500 15.38 14.21 5.270 2.662 +1 110.3 xx 1.225 NN x x
3-6 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.500 15.38 14.21 5.270 2.662 +1 83.0 xx 0.922 NN x x
3-7 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.400 15.38 14.21 5.270 2.128 +1 83.7 xx 0.930 NN x x
3-8 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.400 0.400 15.38 14.21 5.270 2.128 +1 63.0 xx 0.699 NN x x

Kinematic group 3 total time : 8.49961 hrs (0.35415 days)

Kinematic Group 4: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.4

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
4-1 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.700 15.38 14.21 5.270 -3.729 -1 306.7 xx 1.704 NN x x
4-2 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.700 15.38 14.21 5.270 -3.729 -1 227.8 xx 1.265 NN x x
4-3 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.600 15.38 14.21 5.270 -3.195 -1 183.4 xx 1.019 NN x x
4-4 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.600 15.38 14.21 5.270 -3.195 -1 136.6 xx 0.759 NN x x
4-5 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.500 15.38 14.21 5.270 -2.662 -1 180.8 xx 1.004 NN x x
4-6 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.500 15.38 14.21 5.270 -2.662 -1 134.8 xx 0.749 NN x x
4-7 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.400 15.38 14.21 5.270 -2.128 -1 128.1 xx 0.712 NN x x
4-8 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.400 0.400 15.38 14.21 5.270 -2.128 -1 95.6 xx 0.531 NN x x

Kinematic group 4 total time : 7.74336 hrs (0.32264 days)

Kinematic Group 5: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
5-1 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.450 0.700 14.58 16.67 5.862 -3.314 -1 791.0 xx 4.395 NN x x
5-2 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.450 0.600 14.58 16.67 5.862 -2.840 -1 463.4 xx 2.574 NN x x
5-3 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.450 0.500 14.58 16.67 5.862 -2.365 -1 450.5 xx 2.503 NN x x
5-4 LH2 50.000 4.000 0.450 0.400 14.58 16.67 5.862 -1.890 -1 317.3 xx 1.763 NN x x

Kinematic group 5 total time : 11.2347 hrs (0.468113 days)

Kinematic Group 6: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
6-1 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.450 0.700 14.58 16.67 5.862 3.314 +1 314.5 xx 3.495 NN x x
6-2 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.450 0.600 14.58 16.67 5.862 2.840 +1 222.0 xx 2.467 NN x x
6-3 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.450 0.500 14.58 16.67 5.862 2.365 +1 247.4 xx 2.749 NN x x
6-4 LH2 25.000 4.000 0.450 0.400 14.58 16.67 5.862 1.890 +1 189.1 xx 2.101 NN x x

Kinematic group 6 total time : 10.8125 hrs (0.450521 days)

Kinematic Group 7: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.462

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
7-1 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.700 14.43 17.24 5.985 3.228 +1 176.0 xx 1.955 NN x x
7-2 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.700 14.43 17.24 5.985 3.228 +1 132.7 xx 1.474 NN x x
7-3 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.600 14.43 17.24 5.985 2.766 +1 123.7 xx 1.375 NN x x
7-4 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.600 14.43 17.24 5.985 2.766 +1 93.3 xx 1.036 NN x x
7-5 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.500 14.43 17.24 5.985 2.303 +1 137.3 xx 1.526 NN x x
7-6 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.500 14.43 17.24 5.985 2.303 +1 103.4 xx 1.149 NN x x
7-7 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.400 14.43 17.24 5.985 1.841 +1 104.7 xx 1.163 NN x x
7-8 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.462 0.400 14.43 17.24 5.985 1.841 +1 78.8 xx 0.876 NN x x

Kinematic group 7 total time : 10.5544 hrs (0.439767 days)

Kinematic Group 8: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.462

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
8-1 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.700 14.43 17.24 5.985 -3.228 -1 376.2 xx 2.090 NN x x
8-2 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.700 14.43 17.24 5.985 -3.228 -1 279.4 xx 1.552 NN x x
8-3 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.600 14.43 17.24 5.985 -2.766 -1 227.5 xx 1.264 NN x x
8-4 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.600 14.43 17.24 5.985 -2.766 -1 169.4 xx 0.941 NN x x
8-5 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.500 14.43 17.24 5.985 -2.303 -1 225.8 xx 1.255 NN x x
8-6 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.500 14.43 17.24 5.985 -2.303 -1 168.5 xx 0.936 NN x x
8-7 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.400 14.43 17.24 5.985 -1.841 -1 161.0 xx 0.894 NN x x
8-8 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.462 0.400 14.43 17.24 5.985 -1.841 -1 120.2 xx 0.668 NN x x

Kinematic group 8 total time : 9.59965 hrs (0.399985 days)

Kinematic Group 9: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.503

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
9-1 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.700 13.99 19.15 6.361 -2.964 -1 441.3 xx 2.451 NN x x
9-2 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.700 13.99 19.15 6.361 -2.964 -1 327.7 xx 1.821 NN x x
9-3 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.600 13.99 19.15 6.361 -2.540 -1 269.4 xx 1.496 NN x x
9-4 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.600 13.99 19.15 6.361 -2.540 -1 200.6 xx 1.114 NN x x
9-5 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.500 13.99 19.15 6.361 -2.115 -1 269.0 xx 1.494 NN x x
9-6 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.500 13.99 19.15 6.361 -2.115 -1 200.7 xx 1.115 NN x x
9-7 LD2 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.400 13.99 19.15 6.361 -1.690 -1 192.6 xx 1.070 NN x x
9-8 DUM 50.000 4.000 0.503 0.400 13.99 19.15 6.361 -1.690 -1 143.8 xx 0.799 NN x x

Kinematic group 9 total time : 11.3616 hrs (0.473399 days)

Kinematic Group 10: Q2 = 4 GeV2, x = 0.503

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
10-1 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.700 13.99 19.15 6.361 2.964 +1 207.9 xx 2.311 NN x x
10-2 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.700 13.99 19.15 6.361 2.964 +1 156.9 xx 1.743 NN x x
10-3 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.600 13.99 19.15 6.361 2.540 +1 147.0 xx 1.634 NN x x
10-4 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.600 13.99 19.15 6.361 2.540 +1 110.9 xx 1.232 NN x x
10-5 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.500 13.99 19.15 6.361 2.115 +1 163.5 xx 1.817 NN x x
10-6 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.500 13.99 19.15 6.361 2.115 +1 123.2 xx 1.369 NN x x
10-7 LD2 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.400 13.99 19.15 6.361 1.690 +1 125.2 xx 1.391 NN x x
10-8 DUM 25.000 4.000 0.503 0.400 13.99 19.15 6.361 1.690 +1 94.3 xx 1.048 NN x x
total time : 113.772 hrs (4.7405 days)

Kinematic Group 11: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
11-1 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.700 17.26 14.16 4.973 -3.936 -1 609.0 xx 3.384 NN x x
11-2 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.700 17.26 14.16 4.973 -3.936 -1 452.1 xx 2.512 NN x x
11-3 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.700 17.26 14.16 4.973 -3.936 -1 1344.1 xx 7.467 NN x x
11-4 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.600 17.26 14.16 4.973 -3.373 -1 359.0 xx 1.995 NN x x
11-5 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.600 17.26 14.16 4.973 -3.373 -1 267.3 xx 1.485 NN x x
11-6 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.600 17.26 14.16 4.973 -3.373 -1 766.6 xx 4.259 NN x x
11-7 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.500 17.26 14.16 4.973 -2.810 -1 349.8 xx 1.944 NN x x
11-8 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.500 17.26 14.16 4.973 -2.810 -1 261.0 xx 1.450 NN x x
11-9 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.500 17.26 14.16 4.973 -2.810 -1 731.2 xx 4.062 NN x x
11-10 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.400 17.26 14.16 4.973 -2.246 -1 245.5 xx 1.364 NN x x
11-11 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.400 17.26 14.16 4.973 -2.246 -1 183.3 xx 1.019 NN x x
11-12 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.450 0.400 17.26 14.16 4.973 -2.246 -1 507.2 xx 2.818 NN x x

Kinematic group 11 total time : 33.7565 hrs (1.40652 days)

Kinematic Group 12: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.45

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
12-1 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.700 17.26 14.16 4.973 3.936 +1 278.6 xx 3.096 NN x x
12-2 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.700 17.26 14.16 4.973 3.936 +1 210.2 xx 2.335 NN x x
12-3 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.700 17.26 14.16 4.973 3.936 +1 517.4 xx 5.749 NN x x
12-4 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.600 17.26 14.16 4.973 3.373 +1 192.7 xx 2.142 NN x x
12-5 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.600 17.26 14.16 4.973 3.373 +1 145.3 xx 1.615 NN x x
12-6 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.600 17.26 14.16 4.973 3.373 +1 360.1 xx 4.001 NN x x
12-7 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.500 17.26 14.16 4.973 2.810 +1 211.7 xx 2.353 NN x x
12-8 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.500 17.26 14.16 4.973 2.810 +1 159.6 xx 1.773 NN x x
12-9 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.500 17.26 14.16 4.973 2.810 +1 397.8 xx 4.420 NN x x
12-10 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.400 17.26 14.16 4.973 2.246 +1 159.6 xx 1.774 NN x x
12-11 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.400 17.26 14.16 4.973 2.246 +1 120.2 xx 1.336 NN x x
12-12 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.450 0.400 17.26 14.16 4.973 2.246 +1 301.0 xx 3.344 NN x x

Kinematic group 12 total time : 33.9372 hrs (1.41405 days)

Kinematic Group 13: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.475

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
13-1 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.700 16.77 15.31 5.270 3.729 +1 304.5 xx 3.383 NN x x
13-2 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.700 16.77 15.31 5.270 3.729 +1 229.8 xx 2.553 NN x x
13-3 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.600 16.77 15.31 5.270 3.195 +1 211.2 xx 2.347 NN x x
13-4 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.600 16.77 15.31 5.270 3.195 +1 159.3 xx 1.770 NN x x
13-5 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.500 16.77 15.31 5.270 2.662 +1 232.3 xx 2.582 NN x x
13-6 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.500 16.77 15.31 5.270 2.662 +1 175.1 xx 1.946 NN x x
13-7 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.400 16.77 15.31 5.270 2.128 +1 175.4 xx 1.949 NN x x
13-8 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.475 0.400 16.77 15.31 5.270 2.128 +1 132.2 xx 1.469 NN x x

Kinematic group 13 total time : 17.9993 hrs (0.749971 days)

Kinematic Group 14: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.475

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
14-1 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.700 16.77 15.31 5.270 -3.729 -1 664.2 xx 3.690 NN x x
14-2 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.700 16.77 15.31 5.270 -3.729 -1 493.1 xx 2.739 NN x x
14-3 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.600 16.77 15.31 5.270 -3.195 -1 393.2 xx 2.184 NN x x
14-4 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.600 16.77 15.31 5.270 -3.195 -1 292.8 xx 1.626 NN x x
14-5 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.500 16.77 15.31 5.270 -2.662 -1 384.1 xx 2.134 NN x x
14-6 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.500 16.77 15.31 5.270 -2.662 -1 286.6 xx 1.592 NN x x
14-7 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.400 16.77 15.31 5.270 -2.128 -1 270.1 xx 1.501 NN x x
14-8 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.475 0.400 16.77 15.31 5.270 -2.128 -1 201.7 xx 1.121 NN x x

Kinematic group 14 total time : 16.588 hrs (0.691167 days)

Kinematic Group 15: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.548

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
15-1 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.700 15.73 18.51 5.980 -3.231 -1 897.8 xx 4.988 NN x x
15-2 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.700 15.73 18.51 5.980 -3.231 -1 666.6 xx 3.704 NN x x
15-3 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.600 15.73 18.51 5.980 -2.769 -1 539.4 xx 2.997 NN x x
15-4 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.600 15.73 18.51 5.980 -2.769 -1 401.7 xx 2.232 NN x x
15-5 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.500 15.73 18.51 5.980 -2.306 -1 531.9 xx 2.955 NN x x
15-6 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.500 15.73 18.51 5.980 -2.306 -1 396.9 xx 2.205 NN x x
15-7 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.400 15.73 18.51 5.980 -1.843 -1 376.7 xx 2.093 NN x x
15-8 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.548 0.400 15.73 18.51 5.980 -1.843 -1 281.4 xx 1.563 NN x x

Kinematic group 15 total time : 22.7363 hrs (0.947346 days)

Kinematic Group 16: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.548

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
16-1 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.700 15.73 18.51 5.980 3.231 +1 416.5 xx 4.628 NN x x
16-2 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.700 15.73 18.51 5.980 3.231 +1 314.7 xx 3.496 NN x x
16-3 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.600 15.73 18.51 5.980 2.769 +1 291.7 xx 3.241 NN x x
16-4 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.600 15.73 18.51 5.980 2.769 +1 220.2 xx 2.447 NN x x
16-5 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.500 15.73 18.51 5.980 2.306 +1 322.0 xx 3.577 NN x x
16-6 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.500 15.73 18.51 5.980 2.306 +1 242.9 xx 2.699 NN x x
16-7 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.400 15.73 18.51 5.980 1.843 +1 244.4 xx 2.715 NN x x
16-8 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.548 0.400 15.73 18.51 5.980 1.843 +1 184.3 xx 2.048 NN x x

Kinematic group 16 total time : 24.8522 hrs (1.03551 days)

Kinematic Group 17: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
17-1 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.550 0.700 15.71 18.59 5.996 3.219 +1 770.2 xx 8.558 NN x x
17-2 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.550 0.600 15.71 18.59 5.996 2.759 +1 543.0 xx 6.033 NN x x
17-3 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.550 0.500 15.71 18.59 5.996 2.298 +1 602.7 xx 6.697 NN x x
17-4 LH2 25.000 4.750 0.550 0.400 15.71 18.59 5.996 1.836 +1 459.3 xx 5.103 NN x x

Kinematic group 17 total time : 26.3902 hrs (1.09959 days)

Kinematic Group 18: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
18-1 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.550 0.700 15.71 18.59 5.996 -3.219 -1 1995.0 xx 11.084 NN x x
18-2 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.550 0.600 15.71 18.59 5.996 -2.759 -1 1158.8 xx 6.438 NN x x
18-3 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.550 0.500 15.71 18.59 5.996 -2.298 -1 1118.3 xx 6.213 NN x x
18-4 LH2 50.000 4.750 0.550 0.400 15.71 18.59 5.996 -1.836 -1 782.3 xx 4.346 NN x x

Kinematic group 18 total time : 28.0796 hrs (1.16998 days)

Kinematic Group 19: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.597

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
19-1 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.700 15.25 20.54 6.359 -2.966 -1 1126.0 xx 6.256 NN x x
19-2 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.700 15.25 20.54 6.359 -2.966 -1 836.3 xx 4.646 NN x x
19-3 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.600 15.25 20.54 6.359 -2.541 -1 684.4 xx 3.802 NN x x
19-4 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.600 15.25 20.54 6.359 -2.541 -1 509.8 xx 2.832 NN x x
19-5 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.500 15.25 20.54 6.359 -2.116 -1 680.0 xx 3.778 NN x x
19-6 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.500 15.25 20.54 6.359 -2.116 -1 507.5 xx 2.819 NN x x
19-7 LD2 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.400 15.25 20.54 6.359 -1.691 -1 484.2 xx 2.690 NN x x
19-8 DUM 50.000 4.750 0.597 0.400 15.25 20.54 6.359 -1.691 -1 361.8 xx 2.010 NN x x

Kinematic group 19 total time : 28.8327 hrs (1.20136 days)

Kinematic Group 20: Q2 = 4.75 GeV2, x = 0.597

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
20-1 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.700 15.25 20.54 6.359 2.966 +1 528.6 xx 5.873 NN x x
20-2 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.700 15.25 20.54 6.359 2.966 +1 399.5 xx 4.439 NN x x
20-3 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.600 15.25 20.54 6.359 2.541 +1 372.8 xx 4.142 NN x x
20-4 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.600 15.25 20.54 6.359 2.541 +1 281.6 xx 3.129 NN x x
20-5 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.500 15.25 20.54 6.359 2.116 +1 412.5 xx 4.584 NN x x
20-6 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.500 15.25 20.54 6.359 2.116 +1 311.4 xx 3.460 NN x x
20-7 LD2 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.400 15.25 20.54 6.359 1.691 +1 314.4 xx 3.493 NN x x
20-8 DUM 25.000 4.750 0.597 0.400 15.25 20.54 6.359 1.691 +1 237.3 xx 2.636 NN x x
total time : 264.929 hrs (11.0387 days)

Kinematic Group 21: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
21-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.700 19.05 14.17 4.736 -4.102 -1 1181.9 xx 6.566 NN x x
21-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.700 19.05 14.17 4.736 -4.102 -1 877.1 xx 4.873 NN x x
21-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.700 19.05 14.17 4.736 4.102 +1 534.6 xx 5.940 NN x x
21-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.700 19.05 14.17 4.736 4.102 +1 403.9 xx 4.488 NN x x

Kinematic group 21 total time : 21.8672 hrs (0.911135 days)

Kinematic Group 22: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
22-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.600 19.05 14.17 4.736 3.515 +1 367.4 xx 4.082 NN x x
22-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.600 19.05 14.17 4.736 3.515 +1 277.4 xx 3.082 NN x x
22-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.600 19.05 14.17 4.736 -3.515 -1 689.8 xx 3.832 NN x x
22-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.600 19.05 14.17 4.736 -3.515 -1 513.6 xx 2.853 NN x x

Kinematic group 22 total time : 13.8497 hrs (0.577073 days)

Kinematic Group 23: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
23-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.500 19.05 14.17 4.736 -2.928 -1 666.7 xx 3.704 NN x x
23-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.500 19.05 14.17 4.736 -2.928 -1 497.4 xx 2.763 NN x x
23-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.500 19.05 14.17 4.736 2.928 +1 401.5 xx 4.461 NN x x
23-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.500 19.05 14.17 4.736 2.928 +1 302.9 xx 3.366 NN x x

Kinematic group 23 total time : 14.294 hrs (0.595585 days)

Kinematic Group 24: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.5

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
24-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.400 19.05 14.17 4.736 2.341 +1 301.2 xx 3.346 NN x x
24-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.500 0.400 19.05 14.17 4.736 2.341 +1 227.1 xx 2.524 NN x x
24-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.400 19.05 14.17 4.736 -2.341 -1 464.5 xx 2.581 NN x x
24-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.500 0.400 19.05 14.17 4.736 -2.341 -1 347.0 xx 1.928 NN x x

Kinematic group 24 total time : 10.3786 hrs (0.432443 days)

Kinematic Group 25: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
25-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.700 18.05 16.29 5.270 -3.729 -1 1458.7 xx 8.104 NN x x
25-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.700 18.05 16.29 5.270 -3.729 -1 1082.6 xx 6.015 NN x x
25-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.700 18.05 16.29 5.270 3.729 +1 664.3 xx 7.381 NN x x
25-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.700 18.05 16.29 5.270 3.729 +1 502.2 xx 5.580 NN x x

Kinematic group 25 total time : 27.0788 hrs (1.12828 days)

Kinematic Group 26: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
26-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.600 18.05 16.29 5.270 3.195 +1 459.2 xx 5.102 NN x x
26-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.600 18.05 16.29 5.270 3.195 +1 346.9 xx 3.854 NN x x
26-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.600 18.05 16.29 5.270 -3.195 -1 858.8 xx 4.771 NN x x
26-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.600 18.05 16.29 5.270 -3.195 -1 639.4 xx 3.552 NN x x

Kinematic group 26 total time : 17.2789 hrs (0.719954 days)

Kinematic Group 27: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
27-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.500 18.05 16.29 5.270 -2.662 -1 834.5 xx 4.636 NN x x
27-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.500 18.05 16.29 5.270 -2.662 -1 622.7 xx 3.459 NN x x
27-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.500 18.05 16.29 5.270 2.662 +1 502.8 xx 5.587 NN x x
27-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.500 18.05 16.29 5.270 2.662 +1 379.6 xx 4.218 NN x x

Kinematic group 27 total time : 17.9007 hrs (0.745863 days)

Kinematic Group 28: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.55

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
28-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.400 18.05 16.29 5.270 2.128 +1 378.3 xx 4.203 NN x x
28-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.550 0.400 18.05 16.29 5.270 2.128 +1 285.4 xx 3.172 NN x x
28-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.400 18.05 16.29 5.270 -2.128 -1 583.7 xx 3.243 NN x x
28-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.550 0.400 18.05 16.29 5.270 -2.128 -1 436.1 xx 2.423 NN x x

Kinematic group 28 total time : 13.04 hrs (0.543331 days)

Kinematic Group 29: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
29-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.700 17.33 18.30 5.714 -3.418 -1 1853.6 xx 10.298 NN x x
29-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.700 17.33 18.30 5.714 -3.418 -1 1375.9 xx 7.644 NN x x
29-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.700 17.33 18.30 5.714 3.418 +1 852.4 xx 9.471 NN x x
29-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.700 17.33 18.30 5.714 3.418 +1 644.7 xx 7.163 NN x x

Kinematic group 29 total time : 34.5749 hrs (1.44062 days)

Kinematic Group 30: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
30-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.600 17.33 18.30 5.714 2.928 +1 593.0 xx 6.588 NN x x
30-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.600 17.33 18.30 5.714 2.928 +1 448.1 xx 4.979 NN x x
30-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.600 17.33 18.30 5.714 -2.928 -1 1102.2 xx 6.123 NN x x
30-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.600 17.33 18.30 5.714 -2.928 -1 820.8 xx 4.560 NN x x

Kinematic group 30 total time : 22.2512 hrs (0.927134 days)

Kinematic Group 31: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
31-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.500 17.33 18.30 5.714 -2.439 -1 1077.8 xx 5.988 NN x x
31-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.500 17.33 18.30 5.714 -2.439 -1 804.4 xx 4.469 NN x x
31-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.500 17.33 18.30 5.714 2.439 +1 650.8 xx 7.231 NN x x
31-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.500 17.33 18.30 5.714 2.439 +1 491.5 xx 5.461 NN x x

Kinematic group 31 total time : 23.1485 hrs (0.964519 days)

Kinematic Group 32: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.6

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
32-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.400 17.33 18.30 5.714 1.950 +1 491.0 xx 5.456 NN x x
32-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.600 0.400 17.33 18.30 5.714 1.950 +1 370.7 xx 4.119 NN x x
32-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.400 17.33 18.30 5.714 -1.950 -1 757.3 xx 4.207 NN x x
32-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.600 0.400 17.33 18.30 5.714 -1.950 -1 565.9 xx 3.144 NN x x

Kinematic group 32 total time : 16.9261 hrs (0.705255 days)

Kinematic Group 33: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.635

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
33-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.700 16.93 19.67 5.983 -3.229 -1 2216.2 xx 12.312 NN x x
33-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.700 16.93 19.67 5.983 -3.229 -1 1645.3 xx 9.141 NN x x
33-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.700 16.93 19.67 5.983 3.229 +1 1027.5 xx 11.416 NN x x
33-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.700 16.93 19.67 5.983 3.229 +1 777.3 xx 8.637 NN x x

Kinematic group 33 total time : 41.5058 hrs (1.72941 days)

Kinematic Group 34: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.635

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
34-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.600 16.93 19.67 5.983 2.767 +1 718.1 xx 7.979 NN x x
34-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.600 16.93 19.67 5.983 2.767 +1 542.9 xx 6.032 NN x x
34-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.600 16.93 19.67 5.983 -2.767 -1 1327.8 xx 7.377 NN x x
34-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.600 16.93 19.67 5.983 -2.767 -1 989.0 xx 5.494 NN x x

Kinematic group 34 total time : 26.8827 hrs (1.12011 days)

Kinematic Group 35: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.635

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
35-1 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.500 16.93 19.67 5.983 -2.304 -1 1304.6 xx 7.248 NN x x
35-2 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.500 16.93 19.67 5.983 -2.304 -1 973.8 xx 5.410 NN x x
35-3 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.500 16.93 19.67 5.983 2.304 +1 789.4 xx 8.771 NN x x
35-4 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.500 16.93 19.67 5.983 2.304 +1 596.4 xx 6.626 NN x x

Kinematic group 35 total time : 28.0548 hrs (1.16895 days)

Kinematic Group 36: Q2 = 5.5 GeV2, x = 0.635

Setting Kinematics Spectrometer settings Charge Goals est. Rates
number target Ibeam Q2 x z th_HMS P HMS th_SHMS P SHMS pol desired actual time # runs coin HMS
36-1 LD2 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.400 16.93 19.67 5.983 1.842 +1 597.0 xx 6.634 NN x x
36-2 DUM 25.000 5.500 0.635 0.400 16.93 19.67 5.983 1.842 +1 450.9 xx 5.010 NN x x
36-3 LD2 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.400 16.93 19.67 5.983 -1.842 -1 919.9 xx 5.111 NN x x
36-4 DUM 50.000 5.500 0.635 0.400 16.93 19.67 5.983 -1.842 -1 687.5 xx 3.819 NN x x
total time : 349.605 hrs (14.5669 days)

run time: 728.306 hrs (30.3461 days)