Target Work inside Enclosure Checklist
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Jump to navigationJump to searchPlease fill up this check list every time before close up for He3 enclosure.
- Cell alignment laser/optics setup removal
- Make sure the pen laser with the mount are removed
- Make sure the mirror and/or survey target are removed
- Make sure the survey mark is removed
- He3 Cell
- He3 Cell Status (integrity, color)
- 5 RTDs on He3 Cell Target Chamber, two on the transfer tube
- Check Oven Leak
- Reference Cell
- Reference Cell Status(integrity, color)
- 3 RTDs on Ref Cell
- Beam Window Covers
- Take down the protective cover on the Upstream Beam Window, check window status
- Take down the protective cover on the DownStream Beam Window, check window status
- Cooling Jets
- Cooling jets for cell windows: ON? Direction Correct?
- Cooling jets for beamline windows: ON? Direction Correct?
- Other
- No tools or unnecessary items left in chamber
- Cables are still secured?