Beam and Raster Checkout for A1n/d2n (Short Procedure)
From HallCWiki
Establish beam in the hall
Goals - Using "Target Out" location, tuned beam only, make sure beam reaches beam dump without hitting anything.
Initial Raster check with YAG Viewer
Goals - Establish beam to be roughly centered in beam pipe by locating it on YAG viewer just upstream of target. - Turn on Raster and verify beam profile expands as expected. - No CW beam should be allowed in the Hall until this step is completed. Setup - Beam Current: Tune Beam (Viewer limited) - Target: No Target - Raster: Off; 5mm diameter
Procedure - Call MCC to insert YAG viewer on Hall C superharp girder. - start with raster off, MCC should post a picture, verify beam spot roughly centered. - if the beam energy has changed, check that on the Hall C Raster Control GUI it is initialized for the correct beam energy (at the top of the GUI). - request raster on: 5mm diameter - ask MCC to post a video of the viewer. It should show beam spot on viewer expanding larger than raster off case, and the beam spot size should show a breathing pattern. - MCC will retract viewer after check is done.
- An example of what to look for can be found in - Another example posted in elog: - Here is an example of how to interpret the images on the YAG viewer: (taken during initial beam checkout in December 2019).
Harp scans
Goals - Verify operation of Harp scanners w/ beam. - Establish acceptable beam profile.
Note - We need sigma=100-300um. - If sigma is larger than 300um, ask MCC to tune beam. - Once sigma reaches below 350um, call RC for advice on whether we should accept the beam.
Setup - Beam Current: 5 uA CW - Target: No Target - Raster: Off
Procedure - Verify that the raster is OFF for the harp scans at the target (3H07) - Ask for harp scans with IHA3H07A and IHA3H07B - verify beam profile (nominal 100--300um sigma in peak 3) on at least one scanner on Hall C upstream beamline (good to check 3H07A/B) - One can go more sophisticated and calculate the beam size at the target, see algorithm in - where the distance from harps A/B to target is given in - Our latest accepted beam profile for 5-pass production is (Jan. 15, 2020)
Check Beam Positions
Goal - Do this if nominal beam positions are already established.
Setup - Beam Current: 5 uA CW - Target: No Target
Procedure - With "No Target" position, ask for 5uA CW and verify beam position with established nominal position - Check and make sure Hall C orbit lock is on at the nominal positions, for an example see (not sure where to find this window though -- please fix me).
Target/Beam centering, Raster checkout
Goals - Establish beam position on target, check/confirm raster size - This step is optional, consult RC whether we need to do this.
Procedure - see