Beam and Raster Checkout for A1n/d2n (Short Procedure)
From HallCWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchWhen should we do a short beam checkout?
- After beam studies (typically on Tuesdays)
- If for some reason the accelerator has been down for a "significant" period of time (say, more than ~8 hours)
- If anything "significant" has changed in the beam line and you are not sure if it will affect the position or profile of the beam delivered to the hall
Open Stripcharts
- You should monitor the beam position, mode, and current during this process.
- Open a terminal and run go_beam_recovery_stripcharts. You should see something like the image to the right.
- The first set of 4 charts are the field integrals of the orbit lock corrector magnets.
- If they are operating properly, you should see the value changing when the beam is on. This means they are properly keeping the beam in the position we want.
- These will flatline when the beam trips. This is normal behavior.
- The second set of charts are beam positions at harps 3H07A and 3H07C. These positions (set by the corrector magnets) should match the nominal values on the wall screen.
- The third set of charts are BCM current and Hall C beam mode, which indicates what type of beam MCC is sending. You should monitor both.
- Mode 2 is tune beam (beam with a 1.5% duty factor used when first checking the orbit and sending beam to the hall).
- Mode 3 is CW
- The last plot is the target ladder position in volts.
- This readout matches the voltages displayed on the target motion control GUI.
- The two values shown here, 7.88V and 7.11V, correspond to No Target and Pol He3 Cell respectively.
Harp scans
- Verify operation of Harp scanners w/ beam.
- Establish acceptable beam profile.
- We need sigma=100–500um at the target
- If sigma is larger than 500um, ask MCC to tune beam.
- Once sigma reaches below 500um, call RC for advice on whether we should accept the beam.
- Beam Current: 5 uA CW
- Target: No Target
- Raster: Off
- Verify that the raster is OFF
- Ask MCC for harp scans with IHA3H07A and IHA3H07B
- Verify beam profile:
- Find the harp scans on the Ops ELOG. They should be titled "HarpFitter: IHA3H07A" and "HarpFitter: IHA3H07B"
- Open a terminal and run `harp_project_to_target`
- Enter the sigma values from peak 2 and peak 3 of both harp scans
- The script will project the width to the target and suggest an appropriate raster diameter to request from MCC
- Confirm with the RC that this value makes sense.
- If you'd like to verify the projection script's arithmetic, you can use the distances in Dave Gaskell's comment on this log entry.
- The script's repository has a longer discussion of projecting the width from the harps to the target.
Raster check with YAG Viewer
- Establish beam to be roughly centered in beam pipe by locating it on YAG viewer just upstream of target.
- Turn on Raster and verify beam profile expands as expected.
- No CW beam should be allowed in the Hall until this step is completed.
- Beam Current: Tune Beam (Viewer limited)
- Target: No Target
- Raster: Off; 5mm diameter
- Call MCC to insert YAG viewer on Hall C superharp girder.
- Start with raster off. MCC should post a picture. Verify the beam spot is roughly centered.
- If the beam energy has changed, check that on the Hall C Raster Control GUI it is initialized for the correct beam energy.
- Request raster on with the diameter determined from the harp scans.
- Ask MCC to post a video of the viewer. It should show beam spot on viewer expanding larger than raster off case, and the beam spot size should show a breathing pattern.
- MCC will retract viewer after check is done.
- An example of what to look for can be found in
- Another example posted in elog:
- Here is an example of how to interpret the images on the YAG viewer: (taken during initial beam checkout in December 2019).
Check Beam Positions
- Ensure that the beam positions are what we expect.
- Do this if nominal beam positions are already established.
- Beam Current: 5 uA CW
- Target: No Target
- With "No Target" position, ask MCC for 5uA CW and verify beam position with established nominal position
- Search for "orbit" in jmenu, and select "Orbit Locks Expanded View" from the drop down menu
- Find the row labeled "HallCOrb" (this box should be green!)
- Click the far right button labeled "Other", and select "HallCOrb Corrector and Bpm Info" from the drop down menu
- Verify that the values in the light blue boxes match the nominal positions.
- As of January 26th, 2020, the positions should look like this log entry.
Target/Beam centering, Raster checkout (optional)
- Establish beam position on target, check/confirm raster size
- This step is optional, consult RC whether we need to do this.