Run plan Monday-day shift → Wednesday owl
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Jump to navigationJump to searchTentative runplan for Monday-day shift → Wednesday owl
During that time the beam will not be longitudinally polarized.
- Monday Day-Swing:
- Target change: 8h
- Polarimetry calibrations: 8h
- Meanwhile, top-off the He3 ref cell pressure to 8 atm? (We currently (Thursday) have 65 PSIA left in the Ref. Cell, but it is slowly leaking out)
- Monday Owl: ref cell runs. See here for the ref. cell runs on original run plan
- 3 hours of Ref. Cell 3He runs at 3.4 GeV. (1.5h of solid beam time, 3h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Change momentum settings to 2.6 GeV (30 min)
- 2h of Ref. Cell 3He runs at 2.6 GeV. (1h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Empty Ref. cell.
- 3h of empty Ref. Cell 3He runs at 2.6 GeV. (1.5h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Tuesday Day: continue Ref. cell and do positron runs.
- Finish whatever is left of the 3h of empty ref cell run. (assume 1h)
- Fill ref cell with N2 at 10 atm.
- 1.3h of Ref. Cell N2 runs at 2.6 GeV. (40 min of solid beam time, 1.3h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- 10:30am: ask tech to come in to flip polarity for HMS and be present for flipping SHMS: 1h?
- 2h of data at 3.4 GeV. (1h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Change momentum settings to 2.6 GeV (30 min)
- 2h of data at 2.6 GeV. (1h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Tuesday Swing: continue reference cell runs.
- 16:00: ask tech to come in to flip back polarities for HMS and SHMS (1h?). Set momenta to 3.4 GeV kinematics
- 2h of Ref. Cell N2 runs at 3.4 GeV. Top off N2 pressure to 10 atm if needed. (1h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Fill ref cell with H2 at 10 atm.
- 6h of Ref. Cell H2 runs at 3.4 GeV. (3h of solid beam time, 6h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- Wednesday owl: continue reference cell runs.
- 1h to finish the H2 run a 3.4 GeV
- Change momentum settings to 2.6 GeV (30 min)
- 3h H2 run a 2.6 GeV. (1.5h of solid beam time, 3h assuming 50% efficiency.)
- 1.5h BCM calibration (non invasive)
- Wednesday day: Restore production of polarized 3He at 3.4 GeV
- 8:00am or whenever the polarized beam is becoming imminent: change momentum settings to 3.4 GeV (30 min)
- If we have time left with unpolarized beam (good running efficiency, run time with unpolarized beam extended during Wednesday day shift...) We can do optic runs