Run plan Monday-day shift → Wednesday owl

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Tentative runplan for Monday-day shift → Wednesday owl

During that time the beam will not be longitudinally polarized.

  1. Monday Day-Swing:
    • Target change: 8h
    • Polarimetry calibrations: 8h
    • Meanwhile, top-off the He3 ref cell pressure to 8 atm (optional, check with Jianping). (We currently (Thursday) have 65 PSIA left in the Ref. Cell, but it is slowly leaking out)
  2. Monday Owl: ref cell 3He runs (optional). See here for the ref. cell runs on original run plan
    • 3 hours of Ref. Cell 3He runs at SHMS/HMS=-3.4/-3.5 GeV. (200mC charge goal i.e. 66% beam efficiency. Charge and time goal for 65PSIA. If topped to 8atm, reduce both by factor 2)
    • Change momentum settings to SHMS=-2.6 GeV, HMS=-2.9 GeV (30 min)
    • 2h of Ref. Cell 3He runs at -2.6/-2.9 GeV. (1h beam-on time. Time goal for 65 PSIA. If topped to 8atm, reduce time by factor 2)
  3. ref cell runs: empty, N2, H2 (must). See here for the ref. cell N2 and H2 runs on original run plan
    • Empty Ref. cell.
    • 1.5h of empty Ref. Cell 3He runs at -2.6/-2.9 GeV. (45min beam-on time, 1.5h assuming 50% efficiency.)
  4. Tuesday Day: continue Ref. cell and do positron runs.
    • After empty cell runs, fill ref cell with N2 at 10 atm.
    • 45min of Ref. Cell N2 runs at -2.6/-2.9 GeV. (30 min beam-on time). Make a note of ref cell gas pressure in Start-Run entry.
    • Pump the cell to empty, then fill with 10atm H2.
    • 90min of Ref. Cell H2 runs at -2.6/-2.9 GeV. (45 min beam-on time). Make a note of ref cell gas pressure in Start-Run entry.
    • This ends all ref cell runs at -2.6/-2.9 GeV.
  5. Tuesday Day: positron runs.
    • 10:30am: regardless of where we are in ref cell data taking, ask tech to come in to flip polarity for HMS and be present for flipping SHMS: 1h?
    • 2h of data at HMS/SHMS=+3.5/+3.4 GeV. (1h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
    • Change momentum settings to 2.6 GeV (30 min)
    • 2h of data at HMS/SHMS=+2.9/+2.6 GeV. (1h of solid beam time, 2h assuming 50% efficiency.)
  6. Tuesday Swing: continue reference cell runs.
    • 16:00: ask tech to come in to flip back polarities for HMS and SHMS (1h?). Set momenta to SHMS=-3.4, HMS=-3.5 GeV.
    • 3hours of Ref. Cell H2 runs at -3.4/-3.5 GeV. (charge goal 200mC).
    • Pump cell to empty
    • 3h of Ref. Cell empty runs at -3.4/-3.5 GeV. (charge goal 200mC).
    • Fill with 10atm N2.
    • 1h of Ref. Cell N2 runs at -3.4/-3.5 GeV. (charge goal: 67mC).
  7. Wednesday owl: continue reference cell runs.
    • continue reference cell runs
    • 1.5h BCM calibration (non invasive)
  8. Wednesday day: Restore production of polarized 3He at SHMS=-3.4, HMS=-3.5 GeV
    • 8:00am or whenever the polarized beam is becoming imminent: change momentum settings to SHMS=-3.4, HMS=-3.5 GeV (30 min)
  9. If we have time left with unpolarized beam (good running efficiency, run time with unpolarized beam extended during Wednesday day shift...), or if polarized cell is not ready for production, we can do optic runs