PolHe3 Target Coil Rotation Plan, Mar 2020
From HallCWiki
Target coil rotation planned for March 13--20
- Nominal 1-week downtime in Hall C to rotate target coils, install new cell, and transition to d2n program
Drawings / Photos
- Photos of Target Setup (google drive link)
- CAD Models from Bert
- JT files
Component/Hardware Status
- Oven bottom plate (Arun/Bert)
- Follow up with Vince Pope in Machine shop (Arun?)
- Kepco power supply status (Bill/Todd?)
- Bill will update us on Wed
- Target cell Austin (Xiaochao?)
- Wall and window thicknesses done
- Only 'Reduced set' of density measurements available now, will continue measurements this week (issues with laser at UVa?)
- It would be best for it to arrive at JLab on March 10 (at the latest) to allow locals to mount cell in oven plate before they get involved with target work in Hall.
- Lots of preplanning to be completed (RadCon, Techs, S&A, Target group, etc)
- Had job walkthrough meeting this (Monday) morning with the above parties -- so far, so good
- Must coordinate Tech support with the parasitic test installation plans
- RW-II training for JP, Arun, Brad, Bill
- Test is taken, awaiting the practicum (RadCon)
Target Field Measurements
Main page is here: Pol_He3_Field_Mapping_Data (Field and Compass data)
Field Mapping from November
- Pol_He3_Field_Mapping_Data (also updated by Jixie 2/26)
gsfxtFNcj-Kq-uXj-JTkw1/pubhtml High-level results file]
- Copy also available here: https://userweb.jlab.org/~jixie/A1N/mapping
- He3_Target_Field_Mapping_Status_20200212.pdf -- Report from 2/12/2020
- File with pending questions/clarifications (Jixie working on response)
Compass Measurements
- Media:Procedure for compass measurement.pdf (Murchhana)
Items that are declared ready
- pNMR coil mount and wire for new cell
- on table in EEL target lab (Mingyu)
- spare convection heater strips
- on table in EEL target lab (Mingyu)