Pol He-3 Target Motion Reset

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Revision as of 14:35, 22 March 2020 by Brads (talk | contribs)
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To reset the hall C target motion, several devices need to be rebooted.

WARNING: After iochc26 boots up, the target will home itself, so you need to mask the FSD first!!

  1. First, use hcreboot5 to turn off the iochc26 VME crate and leave it off for now (outlet 2).
  2. Next, use hcreboot6 to reboot
    1. portservhc26 (outlet 1) and
    2. the VXM-1 Motor controller (outlet 2).
    3. Wait 60 seconds for the portserver to boot up.
  3. Finally, use hcreboot5 to turn iochc26 (outlet 2 again) back on. The IOC will take a few minutes to boot up completely. When it does, the white fields in the alarm handler and Target motion control GUI will go back to their regular colors.
  4. Click the 'Initialize' button at the top of the Target Motion Control GUI and wait for the process to complete.
  5. Move to your chosen target position and verify that the 'Encoder Readout (volts)' field matches the setting you expect listed next to the vertical target position bar!