Maxnet reset instructions

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Revision as of 23:46, 15 August 2020 by Brads (talk | contribs)
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There are two maxnet controllers that control the drives that turn the QWP motors. They are named polhemaxnet (this is in the same rack as the coil power supplies) and polhemaxnet2 (this is in the rack below the pivot).

If you believe one of them is no longer responding, try pinging them with 'ping polhemaxnet' (or 'ping polhemaxnet2'). If it does not respond, it likely needs to be reset.

If they ping OK, then it would be best to start by rebooting the drives to see if that fixes the problem.

The drives reboot immediately, and do not require the software or controllers to be rebooted and homed. If rebooting the drives doesn't work, then move on to rebooting the controllers and software.


  • To reboot the drives, log into hcreboot7.
    • For trans left, trans rights, long left 1, and long right 1: reboot outlet 2
    • For long left 2 and long right 2: reboot outlet 3

Controllers and Software

  • Follow the instructions on those pages to power cycle the controller that is hung up.
  • After the controller has been rebooted, the software needs to be restarted by logging into the raspberry pi that runs the IOC.
    • First log onto the pi with 'ssh pi@polhe3pi2'
      • Kill the process for the rebooted controller first (in case it didn't close properly)
      • For the Transverse and Longitudinal 1 polarizers, use killall polarizers_2
      • For the longitudinal 2 polarizers use killall polarizers_secondSet
    • Finally run ./startProc to start the software
  • Once the software is restarted, the stages will need to be homed again before use.

Make an HCLog entry explaining what you did and what prompted it