CSV Analysis
From HallCWiki
Run Group | ELOG | PT Scan Experiment | CSV Experiment | Software/Computing | CSV Analysis | SIDIS pages | This Navigation
Run information
- Runsheets: [1], [2], [3]
- Runlist
- https://github.com/whit2333/online_csv
- https://github.com/whit2333/spectrometer_angles
Analysis Tasks
Replay Files
The latest replay files for CSV runs can be found at /volatile/hallc/c-csv/ROOTfiles
. These will periodically update when things are updated, such as, kinematics or calibrations.
Analyzer Replay
- Check kinematics file in replay
- Check angle pictures - check against runlist/kinematics
- BCM calibrations
- Time window checks
- TOF calibration
- DC calibration
- Calorimeter calibration
- HGC Calibrations
- Aerogel calibration
Systematic checks
- Tracking efficiency
- BCM from low to high currents
- Beam energy for each run
- Survey of pi+ to pi- singles rates
Hallc Related Talks
- Hall C upgrade links...[4]
- Hallc_DAQ_Brad_Sawatzky... [5]
- CSV Talk DD 2020...[6]
- CSV Talk DD 2010...[7]
- CSV Talk DD 2009...[8]
- CSV old proposal 1996...[9]
Relevent Publications
- Constraints on Parton Charge Symmetry...[10]
- R. Asaturyan: Semi-inclusive charged-pion electroproduction...[11]
- T. Navasardyan: Onset of Quark-Hadron Duality in Pion Electro...[12]
- P. Bosted: Factorization studies in SIDIS at Jlab [13]
- HMS Drift Chamber Old Paper...[14]
- Hall C Calorimeter...[15]
- Hall C Aerogel...[16]
- Hallc Standard Equipment Manual...[17]