Hall C Futures
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- Overview of a Brooks-style approach to a broadband mixed e+ and e- beam: what measurements it can do, and what it cannot do (Jul 15th, 2021) - Dave Mack [link]
- Possibilities for Hypernuclear Physics in Hall C (July 1st, 2021) - Toshiyuki Gogami [link]
- Solid Polarized Targets for the Jlab 12 GeV Era (June 17th, 2021) - Karl Slifer, Elena Long [link]
- Proton strangeness from elastic electron scattering (Jun 3rd, 2021) - Bogdan Wojtsekhowski [link]
- 20 24 GeV FFA CEBAF Energy Upgrade (May 20th, 2021) - Alex Bogacz [- link]
- Future Studies of Nuclei in Hall C [focusing on nuclear aspects] (May 6th, 2021) - Or Hen [link]
- A Triple Coincidence Experiment: u-channel DVCS at Hall C (Apr 22nd, 2021) - Garth Huber, Bill Li, Justin Stevens [link]
- Opportunities with High Intensity Photons and Polarized Target (Apr 8th, 2021) - Tanja Horn [link]
- A high luminosity spectrometer based on a compact, high-field Solenoid for DVCS, DVMP, TDIS and more (Mar 25th, 2021)- Nilanga Liyanage [link]
- Positron Beams at Jefferson Lab - Status Report (Mar 11th, 2021) - Joe Grames [link]
- Positron Machine, Future Prospects (Mar 11th, 2021) - Yves Roblin [link]
- Electro-weak (e+-, e’) Measurements with Unpolarized Target (Feb 25th, 2021) - Dave Mack [link]
- Hall C Future Experiments - Cynthia Keppel [link]
Conference Presentations
- Tanja Horn's presentation at Hall A/C meeting, 9th July 2021 [link]
- Cynthia Keppel's presentation at UBOD meeting, 22nd Jun 2021 [link]
- Link to Hall C Futures White paper link??
Join Information
Meeting URL https://bluejeans.com/100468995
Phone Dial-in +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free) (Global Numbers)
Meeting ID: 100 468 995
Room System or bjn.vc
Meeting ID: 100 468 995
- Eric Christy (Hampton U.)
- Dipangkar Dutta (Mississippi State U.)
- David Hamilton (U.Glasgow)
- Or Hen (MIT)
- Tanja Horn (CUA)
- Garth Huber (U. Regina)
- Ed Kinney (U. Colorado)
- Nilanga Liyanage (Uva)
- Wenliang Li (W&M)
- Ellie Long (New Hampshire)
- Dave Mack (JLab)
- Carlos Munoz-Camacho (IJCLab-Orsay)
- Brad Sawatzky (JLab)
- Karl Slifer (New Hampshire)
- Holly Szumila-Vance (JLab)
- Arun Tadepalli (JLab)
- Bogdan Wojtsekhowski (JLab)
Useful links
Hall C upgrades [link]