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2022 C1 Status Review of Tensor Spin Observables Experiments

Request to remove the C1 conditional to the b1 and Azz experiments

Figure 1. NMR measurement of tensor enhancement maximized by using two locations of ss-RF while rotating continuously at a fixed rate. The resulting tensor polarization was 36.5+-3.5%

The b1 and Azz experiments were C1 conditional approved by PACs 41&44, respectively, with the requirement that :

the experiment is conditionally approved with the condition that a tensor polarization of at least (close to) 30% be achieved and reliably demonstrated under experimental conditions."

Recent developments in spin-1 enhanced tensor polarization have demonstrated that a tensor polarization of at least 30% will be achieved under experimental conditions, so we request Jefferson Lab to remove the conditional and fully approve these experiments.

Figure 1 shows the NMR signal of 36+-3.5% tensor enhancement by using by using two locations of semi-saturating RF (ss-RF) while rotating the target cup continuously at a fixed rate. The points corresponds to the measured data and the red line is the fulled fitted lineshape of the NMR spectra. The full lineshape is composed of the 1 → 0 (Blue) and 0 → -1 (pink) lines.

The full details supporting our request to remove the C1 conditionals are available here.

Recent Tensor Enhancement Papers by the Collaboration

Modeling alignment enhancement for solid polarized targets Eur. Phys. J. A 53, 155 (2017) (arXiv)
Enhanced tensor polarization in solid-state targets NIM A 981, 164504 (2020) (arXiv)

Experiment Information

Experiment Scientific Rate PAC Decision PAC Results
The Deuteron Tensor Structure Function b1 (pdf) A- C1 link
Measurements of the Quasi-Elastic and Elastic Deuteron Tensor Asymmetries (pdf) A- C1 link