November 14, 2022
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RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)
- Zoom remote connection information:
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 710 0885 Passcode: 595071 One tap mobile +16692545252,,1607100885# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1607100885# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 160 710 0885 Find your local number:
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Current Status
- Very little beam delivery due to RF and orbit stability issues. Expert(s) was/were called in later in the afternoon. Pretty good beam on swing shift, okay on owl (1 hour down time from 4-5 a.m.)
- Taking data on Setting 5 (maybe 6?).
Run Plan
- Continue 10/35 degree data taking with settings 6/7 until Tuesday, 6:45 a.m.
- Maintentance Day on Tuesday, 11/15 - linacs expected to lock up at 2:45, then RF recovery
- Heidi and Walter going into the Hall tomorrow (Tuesday) - escorted access is preferred by Radcon
- Current Limited
- Desire for another luminosity scan socialized at the 7:45 RC meeting
- Would like additional high current points, including previously unauthorized 70uA
- Requires Hall A to be down (no plans to do that right now)