12 GeV HMS Optics Data
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HMS optics page
- HMS is a Q1-Q2-Q3-D magnet system
- New drift chamber were installed in HMS for 12 GeV.
- HMS delta matrix has not been optimized in the 12 GeV era. Still delta matrix from the 6 GeV era.
- All HMS magnets saturate when magnet is set above 5 GeV.
HMS optics at low momentum
HMS optics at 6.6 GeV
- Fall 2018 take series of optics and elastic runs.
- List of runs at Kaon Run list.
- Initial set of runs (4734-4741,4768-4773) with Optics 1 target (-10,0,10) and varied dipole and Quads to try and get ytar vs yptar
- Online Conclusion that it was not converging.
- Series of elastic runs with HMS angle changes to move the elastic across the focal plane. all runs at nominal magnet settings.
- Runs 4805-4811 HMS at 18.79deg LH2, Runs 4812-13 DUmmy
- Runs 4816-17 HMS at 17.20 deg Lh2, Runs 4814-15 Dummy
- Runs 4821,24,25 HMS at 19.755deg LH2, Run 4822 Dummy.
- Series of SHMS (proton) and HMS (electron) ep coincidence
- SHMS p = +4.840 ang = 26.147 HMS p = -6.590 ang = 18.845
- Runs 4855-4860,4862-4963 LH2
- run 4864 dummy
- Series of optics 1 with Sieve runs
- Optic 1 target Run 4819 at 13.005deg.
- Optic 1 target RUn 4820 at 13.005deg (modified Q1 current).
- Single carbon Run 4818 at 13.005deg.
HMS optics at 6.3 GeV
- Fall 2018 take series of optics and elastic runs.
- List of runs at Kaon Run list.
- Initial set of runs 4756-4757 with HMS dipole at +0.685% above nominal and Q1 + 0.3% with Optics 1 target
- Set of runs 4758-65 with HMS dipole at at +0.685% above nominal and Quads at nominal with Optics 1 target.
- Run 4774 with HMS magnets all at nominal with Optics 1 target.
- Run 4775 with HMS dipole at 1.002*nominal with Optics 1 target.
- Run 4776 with HMS dipole at 1.003*nominal with Optics 1 target.
- Run 5335 with HMS dipole at nominal for 6.358 with Optics 1 target.
HMS optics at momentum greater than 5 GeV
- Initial study of HMS saturation in Spring18
- Looked at the yptar versus ytar correlation at HMS momentum 5.1 to 5.9 GeV
- Fixed the Q1-Q2-Q3 to settings for the given set momentum and then varies the HMS dipole
- Logbook entry about the measurement.
HMS Optics Data Tables
HMS Optics at 6.6 GeV/c
Run Number | Beam Energy (GeV) | HMS Central Momentum (GeV/c) | HMS Angle (Deg) | Collimator Type | Target | Delta (%) | Run Period | /mss location | Comment |
4819 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -13.005 | Sieve Slit | -10, 0, +10 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
4805 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -18.8 | Large | LH2 | +0.34 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.84204 T |
4806 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -18.8 | Large | LH2 | +0.34 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.84204 T |
4808 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -18.8 | Large | LH2 | +0.34 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.83462 T |
4811 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -18.8 | Large | LH2 | +0.34 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.83462 T |
4816 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -17.2 | Large | LH2 | +6.84 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.83467 T |
4817 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -17.2 | Large | LH2 | +6.84 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.83467 T |
4821 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -19.755 | Large | LH2 | -3.41 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.831 T |
4824 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -19.755 | Large | LH2 | -3.41 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = N/A |
4825 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -19.755 | Large | LH2 | -3.41 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.831 T |
4821 | 10.5965 | 6.59 | -19.755 | Large | LH2 | -3.41 | KaonLT (Autumn 2018) | /hallc/spring17/raw/ | 6.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data; NMR Readback = 1.831 T |
HMS Optics at 6.8 GeV/c
Run Number | Beam Energy (GeV) | HMS Central Momentum (GeV/c) | HMS Angle (Deg) | Collimator Type | Target | Delta (%) | Run Period | /mss location | Comment |
14970 | 10.549 | 6.792 | -12.495 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
14971 | 10.549 | 6.792 | -12.495 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
14972 | 10.549 | 6.792 | -12.495 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
14973 | 10.549 | 6.792 | -12.495 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16039 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -15.8 | Large | LH2 | +8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16040 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -15.8 | Large | LH2 | +8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16044 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -17.73 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16047 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16050 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16051 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16052 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16054 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16056 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16060 | 10.5965 | 6.792 | -19.87 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 6.8 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
HMS Optics at 5.6 GeV/c
Run Number | Beam Energy (GeV) | HMS Central Momentum (GeV/c) | HMS Angle (Deg) | Collimator Type | Target | Delta (%) | Run Period | /mss location | Comment |
16023 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16030 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16031 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16032 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16033 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16024 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16025 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16034 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16035 | 10.549 | 5.587 | -13 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16188 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -17.235 | Large | LH2 | +8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16189 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -17.235 | Large | LH2 | +8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16194 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -19.505 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16195 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -19.505 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16196 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -19.505 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16197 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -19.505 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16198 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -21.875 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16199 | 8.479 | 5.587 | -21.875 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.6 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
HMS Optics at 5.878 GeV/c
Run Number | Beam Energy (GeV) | HMS Central Momentum (GeV/c) | HMS Angle (Deg) | Collimator Type | Target | Delta (%) | Run Period | /mss location | Comment |
14986 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14987 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14988 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14989 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14991 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14992 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14993 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c HeeP Coin Data |
14994 | 10.549 | 5.878 | -21.67 | Large | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Carbon NO SIEVE Data |
16186 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -12.5 | Sieve Slit | 0.5% Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16187 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -12.5 | Sieve Slit | +/-8 cm Carbon Foil | N/A | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Carbon-Sieve Data |
16178 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -15.63 | Large | LH2 | +8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16179 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -15.63 | Large | LH2 | +8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16180 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -17.97 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16181 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -17.97 | Large | LH2 | 0 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16184 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -20.38 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |
16185 | 8.479 | 5.878 | -20.38 | Large | LH2 | -8 | PionLT (Summer 2022) | /hallc/c-pionlt/raw/ | 5.9 GeV/c Delta Scan Data |