Taking LED Data
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Run Coin Daq VLD Configuration
- follow the daq instructions here:https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Hall_C_DAQ#If_the_CODA_vnc_session_disappeared_and_.27go_coin_daq.27_doesn.27t_work
- Start the daq in Coin mode following the instructions above
- In the Run Control GUI select the coda configuration "NPS-VLD"
- Start a run
Running LED scripts
- ssh to cdaq machine as hccoda user. Navigate to cd /home/hccoda/scripts/VLD
- Make sure to start the run BEFORE starting the LED scripts, and verify the event rate=0
- Execute the script ./test.sh
Editing LED Parameters
- By default the DAC=45 , the pulse width=20ns , the pulse rate = 14.kHz
- To change the DAC open "test.sh" and change the 45 to the new desired DAC in line 23 "bash vld_square_pulse_sr.sh 10 45 $j"
- To change the rate open "vld_calibration_test_args.sh" and line 41 "PULSER SETTING=" to the desired pulse rate